Chapter 4: Obliteration Ball (Part 2/4)

Start from the beginning

          Káel tried to hide the twist in his gut.

          That was a new one.

          "I want you all to know that being in here is a fragile privilege, I do not want to hear clapping, cheering, giggling, or any other sound produced from the mouth. If I hear the smallest whisper, this session will become private." She pulled a silver coin from her pocket, holding it up for the room to see. "I would like the prosecution to choose a side."

          "Face," Mr. Greine said, sighing with relief when Mrs. Floyd flipped it and called value.

          "We will now hear the defense's argument."

          Mr. Skyfell rose, leaving his bag to keep his seat filled as he took the center of the room. "I have explored mind control as much as my resources have allowed. Plausible in theory but a weak defense in practice. However, I have not crossed it off the list," Mr. Skyfell said, stopping next to the vacant chair in the middle of the room. "I will continue his Majesty Elisious' stance. Káel Aeric is innocent of all charges. I believe he was was specifically targeted to be manipulated into freeing the Novan, and to back this argument I would first like to call upon Vera Strylaz, third child of Acadrius."

          Káel caught a comforting smile from Vera as she crossed the floor to take a seat in the small chair.

          "Your heartbeat is being monitored in the interest of a truthful statement," Mr. Skyfell started, motioning to Stella who had perched herself upon the podium. "The room in which the Novan's seal was found was concealed by an illusion, correct?"

          "Yes. The illusion was only down the first time Káel and I came across it. After Káel picked up the rock Phantom was in, the room was a wall every time we came to it."

          "So you believe the path showed itself hoping he would come across the seal?"

          Vera shrugged. "It seemed like it."

          "Thank you. I would like to call upon Sora Lithraime."

          Káel watched Sora cross the floor with a visible spring to her step, seizing the chair from Vera like it was a game of musical chairs. She looked up at Mr. Skyfell with a wide smile, crossing her legs to get comfy under the spotlight. "I didn't witness that whole Novan thing, but I'm happy to help."

          "Do not speak until questioned Ms. Lithraime," Mrs. Floyd snapped, Sora's embarrassed blush hidden from the judge by her turned back.

          "Thank you your honour," Mr. Skyfell muttered. "Miss Lithraime, I would simply like to compare Káel's character before attending Cobalt. Was he prone to any illegal practices, ancient lumience or otherwise?"

          "Káel?" Sora scoffed, shaking her head with an incredulous chuckle. "That kid stalked someone because he thought they were dealing drugs, didn't end well, but you get the picture. I haven't seen him even consider doing something illegal, if there's a law, he's following it."

          Mr. Skyfell eyed Stella, motioning for the golem to confirm Sora's words.

          "She speaks the truth."

          "Thank you. One more question, can you estimate how many friends Káel Aeric had before attending Cobalt?"

          Sora scrunched her brow, giving Mr. Skyfell a weird look. "Just me I think. Why?"

          "I would like to call upon Káel Aeric now."

          Káel stiffly rose, hoping he didn't look as hesitant as he felt in front of the court. The only job Mr. Skyfell had given him was telling the truth.

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