Chapter 35 : Riddles!!

Comenzar desde el principio

"Well I guess we'll find out what's really going on" I told him as we landed. "Come on lets go"

We walked inside the cave, or rather I walked while Sadao shrunk and sat on my shoulder.

"Took you long enough" An old voice echoed in the cave.

"Sorry we're late lady Susumu!" I told her and soon enough through the darkness of the cave an old lady emerged, her white hair was tied in a bun, her face full of wrinkles, her eyes closed together and her back had a little hunch.

"No matter now" She told us "Though Sadao could you wait outside? I think this conversation I want with Sara alone"

"Sure thing" He said while I gave him a look that said you traitor.

"Just to be sure we have privacy" She continued after Sadao flew away, she herself has turned around and was walking ahead with me in toe "I have temporarily severed your connection with Sadao, so he won't hear thoughts"

'What?! I didn't know she could do that!' I thought

"Of course I can, after all I was the one who gave you the connection in the first" She told me.

'Sometimes forget that she knows everything, even my thoughts' I thought to mentally sighing.

"Well now that's exaggerating, I don't know everything after all" She said with a slight chuckle as we reached the end of the cave.

There was a fire in the middle, with some hay beside the walls and around it.

"I preferred your old self you know" She told me as she sat on the hay beside the fire "The one who always showed how she truly felt about someone, whether it was respectful or not. Why don't you take a seat?"

I nodded and took a seat opposite from her.

"That young you was so refreshing she, speaking her mind all the time" She continued "But I guess time really does affect you humans in the strangest ways"

"I guess it does" I told her "But it's not time what changes a person more like what he goes through"

"Perhaps but it's only has but a part in the process, the change itself comes from your own self, does it not?" She told me "Well no matter, maybe you will change back in the future, but that's not why I brought you here today?"

Third Pov

"Here it is!" Yumi said excitedly as their group arrived at the front of a house, it was nothing really fancy at least not to the villagers as a lot of houses were like it in Heiwa but to the Konoha Nins it did grab their attention.

"You guys back already?" questioned a voice from behind the group they turned around to find an 18 year old girl her black  hair was braided down her back still reaching the mid of it and long parted bangs framing her face, she had kind eyes and was smiling friendly at them. She was wearing a blue kimono shirt with a white sash and pants that matched and reached her knees.

"Oh you must be our guests!" She continued looking at the ninja group "Nice to meet you, I'm Manami"

"Nice to see you again, Manami!" Hideo greeted her

"Uncle Hideo welcome back" She told him "Well dad should be in he's been waiting for you, but didn't Sara come with you?" when she asked she sounded sort of relieved.

"No she came with them Nee-Chan" Takao told her, a bit down. "Lady Susumu just wanted to see her"

"You didn't want her to come?" Sakura asked a bit surprised especially since earlier they seemed as they were pretty mad at her for not coming in a long time.

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