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A Special Section officer sits in contemplation in the front pew of the church inside the secret base deep underneath the King's Citadel. A strand of his long, dirt blond hair has escaped the ponytail at his nape, and hangs in front of his eyes. He doesn't care. There's nothing he needs to see here, after all. Nothing he hasn't seen every day for almost ten years now.

The routine is always the same. Wake up early. Shower. Train hard. Eat. Train some more. Shower. Eat. Thirty minutes personal time he always spends alone in the church. After that, Special training, eat, and sleep.

Today, routine is disrupted.

Before the thirty minutes are up, his superior walks in the church. Shoves a piece of paper in his hand.

The Special Section officer wipes the hair off his face and reads the note. "You're kidding me… We're going into action?"

"That's right. And not the action we were created for, but to destroy the Trident."

"The Trident is not our business."

"Apparently today it is. We have our orders."

"Are we being sacrificed for this? There's less specially trained soldiers aplenty to take on the Trident."

"There would be, but the King has ordered us."

"I see… Where do we find the Trident, and who does it look like right now?"

"It's in the Greenseen District. Looks like a young woman with the silver eyes and the black curls of a carrier."

The officer is struck mute by the mention of Greenseen District. He hopes that it is not…

An alarm goes off in the secret base to notify all personnel they have been ordered into action, and this is not a drill.

"Time to go to your men," the superior tells the officer, who salutes him, and jogs right out of the church.

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