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The High Bishop has known the stories of the suffering caused by the Trident all his life. Hearing the Ancients now offering peace, he urges the King to accept the offer.

The King, alas, is not convinced. This is the first he’s ever heard the story of the Trident. To him, it has no more substance to it than any made up, fantastical story.

“You think this girl is capable of harming us, High Bishop?” the King raises an eyebrow, and lets it back down. “How ridiculous you are. She’s just a girl. And even if there were some truth to your story about ‘Ancients’, and ‘Oak’ and ‘seed’, do you really think they would be offering peace were they not too weak to do a thing?”

The King gestures to his guards. “You, and you. Take that stupid girl, and toss her down from the Highest Tower. We’ve grown bored with this whole affair.”

“That is your answer, is it King? You would refuse our offer?” asks the Trident, even as the two guards hesitantly approach. “So be it then. We shall destroy you. And all your Capital with you.”

Blue sparks once again surround Storm. Again, she feels herself lifting in the air.

The High Bishop raises his hems even higher than before. This time trying to run away from the Trident, no longer towards.

Not that it matters, for the Trident’s long rest has indeed restored its Power. The Trident is back to almost all its original strength. It can easily wipe out the entire city.

Everyone in the King’s Courtroom begins a desperate, futile attempt to escape as the sparks spread all over. Everyone but the King and the Trident.

The King seems frozen in place with incredulity as he watches the Power building up before him. The Trident is intent upon revenge.


She would much prefer escape.

The battle she intended to exploit as a distraction while she escapes is still some hours away. Now the Trident seeks to kill everyone. To destroy the whole place. The King’s Citadel. The Towers. The whole entire King’s Capital, and everyone in it.

Including Storm.

She too will be lost forever, if the Trident has its way.

If this Power is unleashed, the Storm she was will burn away forever. Only the Trident can remain. Still using her body, but with nary a trace of her left.

Storm senses the dimensions of the Courtroom simultaneously shrinking and expanding. The dimensions of the King’s Capital do the same. The Power is building up so fast. So strong.

A part of Storm longs to let it loose. Release the Power. Destroy the King, his Capital, and all these people in one instant.

Another part of her holds back. Refuses to be an instrument of so much senseless death and destruction.

She reaches instead for dimensions between dimensions. She reaches for escape.

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