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Jumping through dimensions is not an exact science. Aiming for a specific time and space, success is far from easily found. At least not without a great deal of aiming practice, which the Storm Trident does not yet have, having previously been happy to simply see what comes.

Attempting to return somewhere close to Storm’s home at about the time of her trial leaves them on an island about halfway across the world.

How much time has passed? - Months.

Storm materializes in front of a lithe and handsome young man. An islander with their typical scanty clothing and blue tattoos all over his skin. A young man who, like everyone else, has never left this island where he was born. Unlike anyone he knows, however, he has lived his whole life dreaming the impossible dream of someday doing so.

Once Storm and the young man have overcome the surprise of so suddenly coming face to face, he introduces himself as Temoth. She tells him she is Storm, but he already realized as much. He has read in the news of her day in the King’s Court.

News travels fast in this world where people rarely do. Information is freely available through the communicator network. Technology preserved from the days before humans settled for a simpler way of life. Even on this otherwise isolated, fairly small island, everyone knows about Storm, and everyone knows about the war.

The King survived the initial battle outside the King’s Citadel. Countless others on both sides were not as fortunate.

The fighting has spread almost everywhere on the Continent. Even the Greenseen District, so far from the King’s Capital, is not immune to the tensions that have risen.

If Storm wishes to protect her family, she must find a way to return home and fast. But how?

Risking another jump might take them anywhere. Might make them several years too early or too late.

Yet conventional travel is never easy on this world. Not even on the Continent. And here, it seems quite impossible.

The island, after all, is surrounded by what seems an endless expanse of blue. Bondi blue, it’s called, though no one knows why.

Under the always silver sky of this world, the seas take their color from both big and small creatures living in the water. Creatures no one would wish to let anywhere near them. Yet those creatures are not called Bondi. Only their color is. The creatures themselves are known as teethy.

Swimming is not an option here, even if the distance to the Continent were not too long. The teethy would eat you within minutes of setting foot in the water.

The people living on this island must have arrived here somehow. Yet for all Storm and Temoth’s inquiries, none seems to remember how. No book tells their story.

After a while of fruitless asking and reading, the Trident reminds Storm they can search for the information in time. She looks within, and finds the answer. Yes. This should work. Will take them where they need to be.

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