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The men run away chased by blue lightning until they're a long way out of sight. Each flash of lightning delivers a decidedly unpleasant, but ultimately harmless shock.

Once the men are well and truly gone, the lightning stops. Storm sways on her feet and nearly stumbles to the ground. Only Temoth keeps her standing.

Keeping the lightning controlled can take an awful lot of energy and concentration. It would be so easy to give in to the temptation of letting it all slip right out of control and turn into a deadly force that harms humans without asking who or why.

She wanted to slip. She wanted so badly to let go and snuff out those insignificant little maggots, those disgusting pests that threatened the village. But Storm knew that temptation wasn't really her, and if she had given in, and killed even one of the ugly men, it would not have stopped there. Everyone around her would've been in danger. Everyone including Temoth, who she likes too much to risk.

The Trident may have learned to accept humans far better than it used to in the past, but it is still the Trident: A force that was created to rid the planet of the scourge that is humanity.

The temptation to explode is ever present. Sometimes stronger than at others, but never quite completely gone. To ensure the Trident does not warp her will, make her think she wants to kill, Storm must remain ever vigilant.

Thinking of Temoth, of what might happen to him if she lost control, helps Storm keep that temptation in check.

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