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The villagers invite Temoth and Storm to their finest house. Tonight they will sleep in proper beds under a thatched roof, but first they must celebrate the saving of the village and its crops.

If Storm hadn't happened upon the village just when she did, or if she had decided to not interfere, the villagers would have lost everything. Had their crops or the village burned, they would have been forced to seek food and shelter somewhere else.

The war has already caused too many people to lose their livelihoods, their homes, even their lives. Far too many men, women, children have been turned into refugees.

If this village now survives till the end of the war, thanks to Storm, the villagers will have reason to be eternally grateful. Even if it should turn out to be only a temporary reprieve, and someone or something destroys the village tomorrow or the next week, the fact that everyone in this village still has a home tonight is reason enough to celebrate now.

Tables are laden with food and drink. Musicians play the violins and drums. People dance to the beat beneath an open sky.

As the day turns into night and the music slows to sentimental, Storm and Temoth are lost in each other's eyes. They dance outside the circle of light cast by torches standing on the ground. When the music stops, they kiss.

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