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“You want your crops to survive, you have to pay!” the ugly man in charge of a whole bunch of other ugly men shouts at the top of his nasty voice. “You want your village not to burn, you make the payment on time!”

"We don't have more currency," an elder of the village replies. "You took it all the last time you came."

"Well, then," the ugly man roars, "you should've got some more! These fields will have to burn now!"

"I don't think so," the carrying voice of a young woman, or maybe just a girl, counters from some distance behind the ugly man and his companions.

They turn, and see a girl accompanied by a tall, but not built, pretty boy in a cloak. These two dare to oppose them?

"What?! You paying for them?!" the ugly leader demands, while his companions snicker among themselves.

"I think I would prefer that you pay them for the disturbance you've caused here," the girl replies.

The leader stares, incredulous. His companions' snickering turns to roaring laughter. The villagers, meanwhile, begin to back away from what they guess is coming.

"You're nuts!" the ugly leader decides, then tells his men: "Grab them! We'll take payment from her body and make him wash our clothes!"

"I see not everyone reads the news," Temoth remarks to Storm. He steps aside, and sits on a large rock to enjoy the show.

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