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The list of wins and losses in the civil war is long. The King listens to it daily. Battles here and skirmishes there, riffraff arrested, cowards shot and heroes to be commended.

Today there is a difference to most days. One item in the long list of events reported draws the King's attention like no other.

"There are reports of the Trident being active somewhere near the coast of the Greenseen district."

"The Trident? She must be stopped at once."

"Your Majesty..." the Royal Adviser hesitates.

"Yes?" Snaps the King, already irritated his command to stop the Trident hasn't immediately sent everyone scurrying to fulfil it.

"The Trident is not so easily stopped. You heard what the High Bishop had to say, saw what almost happened when you refused the deal the Trident offered, and we have all studied the Secret Scroll since then… How do you expect us to stop the Trident now?"

"Send the Special Section to destroy her," the King replies in a tone of voice that implies that answer ought to be obvious to all.

"The Special Section? Your Majesty… the Special Section is only meant to be used for a very specific, serious danger."

"The Trident is a specific, serious danger."

"Not the one written in the Special Section's charter," the Royal Adviser objects, further risking the King's wrath.

Unused to being either questioned or defied, the King stares at his Royal Adviser, making the latter squirm.

"Send in the Special Section, or be thrown down from the Highest Tower while someone else sends in the Special Section in your stead. The choice is yours."

"Send the Special Section," the Royal Adviser confirms, with sweat running down his face.

"Thank you," quoth the King.

The Special Section receives an order to active operations for the first time in all the history of the Special Section's existence.

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