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The King himself is so flabbergasted at the sight of the High Bishop running with his robes so high his jaw actually drops. Fortunately no one sees this, as everyone's eyes are turned towards the High Bishop. This gives the King time to regain control of his jaw, and school his features to severity before all eyes are again on him.

“What is the meaning of this?” the King demands to know.

The High Bishop has reached the front of the throne room. He goes around the accused criminal, giving Storm a very wide berth, not turning his back to her even as he skids to a halt before the King.

Everyone who notices the High Bishop being so wary of the girl accused of destroying the Trident takes an involuntary step back away from Storm themselves. This includes her guards.

“Good,” the Trident thinks. “Some are beginning to understand.”

“Forgive me,” the High Bishop pants, “Your Majesty... I have to… catch my breath…”

The High Bishop lets go of the hem of his grey robes. He puts one hand on his chest, bends at his waist and rests his elbows on his thighs for support as he tries to slow down his rapid breathing. All this while keeping one eye on Storm, and the other upon his King.

“Not… used to… running,” he pants. “But... when I returned... from months of silent… retreat… and heard you have… a “destroyer of the Trident”… on trial here… today… I knew I have to run… and so I did... To at least try… to save us all.”

The whole court is impatiently holding its breath in anticipation, as everyone waits for the High Bishop to catch his, and explain.

TridentDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora