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In the morning, Storm and Temoth bid farewell to the villagers. It's time to resume their journey towards Storm's home.

Storm and Temoth are walking hand in hand, when suddenly Storm vanishes. Bewildered Temoth shouts her name, receiving no reply.

The Trident stands in the center of the strangely flat top of a large crystal in a huge space inside a massive amethyst geode. There is no opening that could serve as an entrance to the geode. There is no exit.

Storm feels compelled to draw with her left hand a large horizontal circle in the air in front of her. This activates the crystals in the geode.

A bright light briefly fills the huge room. Then all is almost darkness as a map of space appears all around her, displaying stars, planets, and thousands of little dots moving towards her.

The little dots are space ships. Fast, sleek, and lethal.

The view changes to show the Trident the contents of the ships. Their weaponry. Their passengers.

Each of the thousands of ships approaching carries inside it a thousand cyborg slaves armed and dressed for battle. Their orange metal armor and biomechatronic parts a beautiful yet terrifying contrast to the darkness of their human skin.

The ships are far away still, but they are fast. If Storm is to save anyone at all, she must reach her home sooner rather than later. Their time is running out.

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