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“Nooo!” someone suddenly shouts from a doorway. Everyone turns to look as a bearded old priest in grey robes is running in.

To facilitate speed as he runs from his Tower to the court, he is holding his robetails so high you can actually see his knees! This shocks silent both King and court.

You never see the knees of a priest. Any priest. Let alone one so old and dignified as this one.

By now, everyone including Storm has recognized the running priest. Despite his unusual attire of ordinary priest’s robes. Despite the run that lacks all official bluster and plomp. The priest is none other than the High Bishop of the King’s Citadel himself!

What could possibly be so urgent it sends the High Bishop running? Makes him forget all dignity? Reveal his knees???

The court cannot quite decide whether to be amused at the circus of a High Bishop acting so completely out of character, or utterly terrified at what could be the cause of such insanity. They turn to their King for guidance.

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