28- Trust

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Raghav's Pov:

Our blood ran cold as soon as we entered the room.

We all stood still because of the shock.

"Oh my God!" Mom spoke with her eyes widened with fear. Her voice brought us out of our state and we all rushed towards Trisha who laid unconscious on the floor.

"Trisha Trisha, wake up dear. Please", Mom pleaded while patting her cheeks. I too shook her shoulders in hopes that she would wake up.

"I will bring water", Dad spoke and ran downstairs.

"Wake up, Trisha. Come on", I cried, shaking her vigorously.

"She....she would be okay right? You don't think she hurt herself because of my words...right?" Rishi asked in a small voice, looking scared out of his wits.

"No she won't. Atleast not intentionally. And what are you doing by standing away? Come here and help us to wake her up", I answered, assuring and scolding him at the same time.

Rishi came and hesitantly sat down beside me. Dad too came with water.

Mom hurriedly took the glass from Dad, and sprinkled water on Trisha's face.

It didn't work the first time, but Mom kept on sprinkling water, not loosing hope.

"WAKE UP, DAMMIT", Rishi snatched the glass from Mom and poured the entire glass of water on Trisha's face in one go.

"RISHI", we all yelled together at him with widened eyes, bewildered by his actions.

Before we could say more, we heard the coughing noise.

We turned our attention back towards Trisha to see her awake and coughing due to the water.

We finally took a breathe of relief when she opened her eyes.

She sat up, taking little help from Mom and looked confused seeing all of us in her room with worry evident in our faces.

"What happened?" She asked us, turning her head to look at all of us.

"You are asking us, you tell us what happened? You weren't replying and when we came we found you unconscious", Dad spoke, his voice was still shaken because of the fright we all got.

"We thought something happened to you. We thought you must have hurt yourself like you did last time when we were angry on you for pranking us", I informed her about the thoughts that were going through our minds.

She looked at me annoyed after hearing what I had said.

After wiping her wet face with the napkin Mom gave her, she deadpanned, "It wasn't intentional. You all don't have to worry, I won't hurt myself".

She looked away from us saying this. We had really hurt her.

Rishi, who have moved away from Trisha, the moment we all realized that she was awake, came forward after taking huge breaths, probably after gathering courage. I had noticed him moving away but didn't bother saying anything to him now and kept my whole attention to Trisha.

He gave her a tight hug and spoke, "Don't do this again, I would face humiliation everyday rather than live in guilt, if something happens to you."

"But what happened to you, why were you unconscious?" Dad asked her when Trisha didn't say anything back to Rishi.

"I am not sure but it must be the side effect of the medicine I took for my headache", she explained, relieving us by informing that nothing major had happened.

"Okay lets go downstairs, food is getting cold. Trisha you come down after you have freshened up", Mom told ushering us downstairs, not giving Trisha chance to say no.


Trisha's Pov:

I had cried continuously after coming from college thinking everyone would hate me for something I never did. Just like a few months ago, I was alone yet again.

I always got a headache, when I cried too much and that's what happened today. Taking my medicine, I sat on the floor with my parents photograph, remembering them. They would have trusted me in a heartbeat.

While crying and talking to my parents, I didn't even realize that sleep overtook me. It was a side effect of this medicine, it always lulled me into deep sleep for few hours.

My sleep was broken with a huge spash of water. I woke up disoriented, not understanding what was happening. After speaking to them, I understood one thing- I wasn't alone, even though they were angry with me, they didn't hate me. Atleast there was some hope that everything would be alright. Not now but someday.


At the dining table:

Everybody was already seated, and I silently joined them.

Everyone was eating quietly when Aunt cleared her throat. We all looked at her as she obviously wanted to say something.

"I think there must be some misunderstanding, in this whole ordeal. Trisha wouldn't have done something so cruel to Rishi, right Trisha?"

I sighed a relief, happy that atleast someone trusted me and nodded at her.

"She was the only one who knew", Rishi muttered grumbling.

"Rishi, it's not fair to blame her if you don't have any proof of her doing it. Someone else must have heard you just like she did. If Trisha wanted to reveal it, I think she would have told us about you rather than informing the whole town", Uncle said taking my side.

"Rishi and Raghav, unless you both have any proof, don't blame her and behave like the siblings you have been from the start", Aunt told them with stern eyes.

They nodded at her but I could clearly see that they still didn't trust me.

I needed to prove my innocence, if I wanted my brothers back.


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