53- Proposal

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Rishi and I were walking towards our braille class, when I saw Samar exiting from there, after shaking hands with our teacher.

It was quite strange as Samar didn't attend this class.

"Why would Samar be here?" I wondered out loud.

"Well he is not learning in this class right now but he must have, at some point of his life. He must have just come here to greet the teacher, don't overreact", Rishi said.

"Hmm. Maybe you are right", I agreed and we entered the class.

"Damn, the only available seats are so far away from each other. We won't be able to sit together today", Rishi muttered with a frown.

"Meet you after the class", saying this we both went towards the available seats. Rishi sat near the window while I had to sit all the way to the back, near the wall.

Taking out the my book, I waited for the teacher to come.

She soon came near and sat beside me.

"As you are leaving this camp next week. I came up with an idea. Instead of going alphabetically, I will teach you some random letters today which you can practice this whole week and on the last day, you will have to give exam on what you have learned. Here you go", saying this she showed me the letters.

I was confused by her idea of teaching random letters but shrugged away the thought, thinking that she was teaching this for so many years and she surely knew how and what to teach.

B D E F G I L M N O R U W Y - These were the letters she told me to learn. I was already done with few of them this past week but had to learn the others.

She left to teach other students after a while, and I started practicing again.


I was chatting with Samar as there were still 10 minutes for his class to start.

"Samar. I have one question. Today the teacher gave me some random letters to learn instead of learning them alphabetically saying that was because I was leaving next week but Rishi is also leaving and she didn't tell him to learn like that. Do you have any idea about this?"

"Well if you learn alphabetically, you will only remember them one by one and not when they come up randomly. Rishi is learning too many classes so probably she didn't want to put pressure on him by changing the learning tactic", Samar answered.

Though his answer sounded logical, I was growing suspicious as he was fidgeting a lot.

"Trisha, I forgot to tell you that you wouldn't be able to come to this class today", Samar said, effectively changing the topic.

"Umm...why?" I asked confused by his sudden declaration.

"Today I am teaching 9 and 10 year olds. From the past experiences, I know that they feel conscious and can't concentrate when someone is watching them", he explained.

"Oh! What should I do now then? Raghav and Rishi are also busy", I queried with a pout.

"You can practice the letters. It might be beneficial for the exam", he suggested in a second, like he had already thought about this.

"Alright", I spoke in a low voice.

I might be wrong but it seemed that Samar was avoiding me. Yeah, all his reasons were practical and I wouldn't have suspected him but he looked too nervous and too fidgety.

He must have understood something was wrong from my voice as he looked alarmed.

"Trisha, is everything okay?" He asked, looking scared.

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