38- Unknown Number

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Raghav and I returned home, tired out of our minds. Roaming here and there to search Sia with so many bags in our hands took out all the energy I had. Raghav must have too much strength for having carried Sia in his arms along with those bags in his hands.

"What took you so long? I have been waiting for you since ages?" Aunt asked as soon as she saw us coming inside.

"We ran into Samar, Tanya and Sia", Raghav simply said, leaving all the juicy details aside.

"You two must have so much fun, doing grocery shopping so early in the morning", Rishi smirked, making fun of us.

"Yeah. We also had fun seeing movies so early in the morning, without you", I replied, just as sarcastically as he did.

"You...how could you both do this to me?" he asked, looking at us like we betrayed him.

"That's what you get for sleeping till late", Raghav offhandedly answered and went inside the kitchen to place the bags.

"It was a damn awesome movie", I purposefully goaded Rishi and followed Raghav quickly before he could react.

Rishi came after us, growling like a mad dog.

"Aaaaa", I barely managed to escape him but Raghav wasn't so lucky.

They both got into a fight while I stood there wincing, looking at both them punching each other.

"Why are you all making a ruckus? Half of the town hasn't even opened their eyes yet, and here my children are already fighting", Uncle groaned coming out of his room, looking sleepy as hell.

"Enough now, go back to your rooms. I will call you back when breakfast is ready. And no matter what, I don't want to hear you guys fighting again", Aunt ushered us out of the kitchen in a stern voice.

The fight was quietened down but that didn't stop us three from making faces at each other.

Pushing each other all the way, we finally reached upstairs.

Twins were still arguing in a low voice but I lost my interest as I received Tanya's message.

"Let's hangout in the evening".

A smile came upon my face. It had been too long since it was just two of us. It wasn't that I didn't like spending time with Nikhil and Riya but I missed hanging out with Tanya as we did during vacations.

I so wanted to hangout with her but my legs were already paining and I didn't want to make it worse.

"I can't walk. Come here. We will spend time in my room", I texted back.

"Sure", she agreed instantly.

I looked up from my phone after ending the chat and saw the twins still arguing.

"Stop it now. It was such a small matter, why are you stretching it?" I asked in irritation.

"But...you both left me out", Rishi pouted.

"We will watch the same movie again with you, okay?" I suggested and he finally calmed down.

He surely acted like a small kid sometimes.

Shaking my head, I went inside my room and sat down on my bed with a tired sigh.

I was just contemplating on what to do when my phone rang. My eyebrows furrowed looking at an unknown number.

Shrugging, I picked up the call.


I greeted in a questioning tone, not knowing who was on the other side.

"Is this Miss Attitude's number?" a cheeky voice asked.

There was only one person who called me Miss Attitude.

"Samar? Is that you?" I asked to confirm, even though I was quite sure that it was him.

"Who else?" he answered with a small laugh.

"Look who's a stalker now", I taunted.

"Ooh! Please. It's not stalking if you stalk the same person you were stalked by at first", he joked, hinting to the numerous times I clashed into him.

"Haha, very funny. Why did you call me and who gave you my number?" I asked curiously.

"I asked Tanya for your number. I hope that is okay", he replied in a hesitant voice.

My face twisted in confusion.

"That's totally fine but Tanya. I mean she insulted you just an hour back and you asked her", I said, not understanding his behaviour.

"She didn't insult me on purpose. I am sure she doesn't even know that I was hurt by her words. So I just let it go, knowing that it wasn't anywhere near her intention to make me feel small", Samar explained.

I just hummed in response. His maturity knew no bounds. In all these days I have known him, he had always proved to be a gem of a person.

"So, was there any reason behind this call or....", I left my question in hanging.

"Umm...I was wondering...umm..if you would like to hangout someday?" he asked stumbling over his words, his hesitance sounding clear in his voice.

Before I could answer, he spoke up again.

"It's totally fine if you say no. I can understand that we cannot even go to many fun places because of my blindness and it might get boring for you. I am getting too ahead of myself, aren't I? Getting worried about places to hangout while you might not even want to come", he rambled on, in nervousness.

"I will come. Tomorrow after college", I decided to end his nervous rant.

"You...you will?" he asked in a shocked whisper.

"Guys come down, breakfast is ready", came Aunt's voice from downstairs.

"Yeah, I will. I have to go now. Bye", I ended the call with a giddy smile.


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