3- My Aunt's family

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It was time to leave. Packing was done and workers were taking all the luggage from my room to the living room.

Begrudgingly, I too went downstairs after sending a message to my friends about the situation. They were good friends but weren't too close for us to meet before leaving.

Upon reaching the living room, I saw Lawyer Uncle conversing with Aunt. They turned their attention towards me when they saw me coming.

"What is all this? How many bags are you going to take with you?" Uncle asked in an incredulous tone, raising his eyebrows.

"I am not going for a vacation that I will pack only few things," I replied in an annoyed voice.

"Okay, okay, my fault. Sorry," he said with a light laugh, raising his hands in a surrendering position.

I sighed but nodded at him.

"You go without any worries, yeah? I have settled the salaries of all workers. This mansion and all other properties of your parents would be taken care by me until you become 18 years of age. In short, you will be receiving everything after three years," Uncle said in a reassuring tone.

"Was that supposed to make me happy?" I asked in a disgusted tone.

How could he think that I was concerned about my parents money when I just wanted them back.

"Enough now. Don't get angry on him. He is just doing his duty as your family lawyer." Aunt interjected and I muttered a small sorry to Uncle in response.

"Alright, now give your uncle a hug," Uncle said spreading his arms.

I was still mad at him but didn't refuse the hug. Who knows when we would meet again or if we would ever meet in this lifetime? So putting my anger on the back of my mind, I returned the hug.

This was it, we were finally leaving. Looking at my home for the last time, I left.

Aunt and I sat in the cab, she had hired to take us to the railway station. At first she tried talking to me but due to my low response she stopped and started listening music. I stared out of the window taking all in, thinking when would I come back here or would I ever come back?

I would not be worrying about all these things if my parents would have been here. We must have been enjoying my vacation. Why did they even go to that wedding function? Silent tears came out of my eyes thinking about them, I wiped them hurriedly before aunt saw them.

My aunt woke me up when we reached station. I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep while thinking about my parents.

I was still sleepy so I just followed her, not bothering to look around. We entered our train and sat down on our seats.

After adjusting our luggages, she turned towards me.

"I know that you don't like to speak with me but this is going to be a long ride. So how about we get to know each other? Time will pass more quickly, this way." She suggested.

I was going to refuse but one word gathered my attention.

"Long ride? How far is your city from here?" I asked curiously, looking at her face for the first time, after the time we had met, last week.

Her expressions turned uncomfortable, after hearing my question.

"Umm...we actually live in a small town and not a city. I know it's going to be really different but it's a beautiful place and I swear, you will love it." She tried to make positive of the situation.

Her optimistic nature wasn't helping at all. What she had said, shook the ground beneath me. Leaving my home was bad, but this was hell lot of worse. My life was changing rapidly and I wasn't even given a guide book to handle it.

Not wanting to show my nervousness about the situation, I asked her another question about her. I needed to know everything now to not get any more shocks later.

"Okay, so..where do I start?" she asked in a thoughful tone to herself.

"Umm..well my husband Rajveer runs a small restaurant while I am a school teacher. My kids are in junior college. You all have only one year difference, so I am hoping you all will get along well," she said in a hopeful tone.

Like only age mattered to get along with anybody.

"You mentioned kids. Girls?" I asked crossing my fingers.

I was an only child of my parents and had never shared space with anybody. Still it would be manageable with girls.

"No, both are boys, twins actually- Rishi and Raghav," she replied with a fond smile.

Her answer broke all my hopes. It was going to be so uncomfortable living in the same house with the boys.

There were too many things in which a girl needs privacy. This was going to be so problematic.

Damn, thinking about all this had given me a headache. Now, it was my last hope that my newly found cousins were decent lads.


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