Chapter 1: The Crownless Queen (Part 1/2)

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          Káel watched as the judge pulled a small silver object from the podium, holding it to the light for Káel's confusion to be fed. It was a five sliv coin. His brow furrowed as the man tossed it in the air and caught it, slapping the object on the back of his hand before looking to Mr. Rudas.


          The judge looked at the coin, raising his gaze to Elisious. "Value. Lead the first argument."

          His uncle rose from his chair. "Your honour, you say this Novan is of suspected malicious intent, correct?"

          The judge nodded. "That is correct."

          "Then I would like for the accusers to propose all substantiating evidence collected of this."

          The judge looked over at Mr. Rudas. "Present your evidence."

          Mr. Rudas grinned at Káel, grabbing a stack of books that were rested by his feet. "After seeing the creature, we were able to identify it as an ancient Novan going by many names, most recently The Red Phantom. These books can testify it's devious and barbaric nature."

           "Books? Hand me those," Elisious ordered, grabbing the first one off the pile and sifting through its pages with a chuckle. "Don't tell me you expect a court of law to use a children's fairytale book as evidence towards this Novan's behaviour."

          The judge grabbed the book as Elisious dropped it on his podium, skimming its pages with a frown. "This evidence does not substantiate anything Mr. Rudas."

          Elisious grabbed the next book off the pile, popping an eyebrow as he skimmed the massive pages. "Oh very nice, an encyclopedia." He grabbed a chunk of pages and flipped to the section with Phantom, deadpanning his voice as he snapped it shut. "Except, any book that refers to a Novan as a demon is well past its prime." He looked at the representative, dropping the large book on the judge's desk with a resounding thud. "If someone can't give this case dated evidence towards the Novan's behaviour, then I'll take my dear nephew and we'll be on our way. Have you any other proof?"

          "The creature unsheathed its weapon at us without provocation and struck down an investigator, or have you forgotten that evidence?"

          "You struck down an investigator," Káel spat, receiving a smack upside the head by his uncle.

          "On that topic, the witness statements declared that it was your condensed pyrillis spell that struck Andril Barrow when you made an attempt on Káel Aeric's life, and the Novan threw up a shield in defense," Elisious replied.

          "The Pyrillis spell was mine," Mr. Rudas replied, stepping close enough to Elisious for his shimmering blue robes to almost engulf him. "I however, did not put up an advanced force field that could throw fire lumience back at the attacker. The Novan had a choice, and regardless of the fact that it used my spell, it chose to attack."

          Káel bit at his cheeks, trying to keep his promise and hold his tongue as he glared at Mr. Rudas. But the man caught his gaze, smiling at the way he'd hooked him in. "Even your nephew can testify that."

          "I can't. Because I threw up that shield."

          "That statement was not called upon," Elisious cut in, cutting off Mr. Rudas before he stepped closer to Káel.

          "Statement retracted," The judge boomed. "Continue your argument."

          Elisious nodded, turning to lower his lips to Káel's ear. "Shut up." He rose, fixing his composure with a gentle smile. "I understand that Andril Barrow is no longer with us, and his family deserves the justice of persecuting a guilty party, rather than labeling his death a mere accident to innocent intentions." 

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