Chamber of stupid

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It's the beginning of second year and lately, I've been so pissed off that I've been cussing in parseltongue and sometimes forget to speak English. A snake laying on my shoulders it talks to me in an attempt to calm me down, I've been so riled up lately. Someone sees me and the snake talking and by this morning, it's known schoolwide that I'm a parseltongue so everyone thinks that I opened the chamber of secrets. I haven't been able to speak in English for a bit and I try to speak in English but it comes out in parseltongue. "Fuck it I'm done trying to speak in English and failing!" I hiss just as Dad reaches me. Dad sighs and says "looks like I'm going to tell the other teachers to excuse you from answering questions in their classes...don't stress too much it's bad for you. You can still answer questions in my class, it's well known that I'm a parseltongue as well so it shouldn't be a shock that I'll be able to understand you". I sigh as well and bang my head against the table in frustration. Dad frowns and says "don't do that". I eat my breakfast and say "ugh if I'm going to make it through the day I'm going to grab Corvus". Dad nods and says "that's a good idea...he'll help you stay calm". 

After this Dad walks up to the head table and looks like he wants to go back to bed but then walks to every teacher who's class I'm in and tells them my problem. Minnie looks worried because she remembers once when I was four I got stuck speaking parseltongue for a week. 

After breakfast, I head to Transfiguration. Minnie pats my shoulder comfortingly as I help her set up for class, straightening desks and clearing the chock board. I then sit in the desk farthest back and in the corner. Minnie looks to understand my choice. She then notices Corvus and sighs. Corvus is a black rat snake and accompanies me on days where I just can't make it through without someone helping me stay focused and he helps. Corvus bows his head to her in greeting and blends in with my hair so nobody sees him. 

I finally get to my last class, potions. I sigh in relief as I walk into the familiar room, relaxing as I smell the familiar scent of fire and sage that is my father. This room always smells like him, well, and me of course. My scent also clouds the room, that smells of fire and peppermint...I never really knew why I smelled like peppermint, I mean the fire makes sense, but peppermint? I sit down in my usual seat in here and wait for my father's very likely dramatic entrance. I smirk as the dungeon door slams and Dad comes through it, looking grim as usual. We start on our sleeping draughts I work alone, nobody can understand me right now and I'm independent, I made this potion for the first time when I was about 5 too so Dad knows I can do it on my own. 

After Potions, I stay behind and help Dad clean up and when we finish I sit on his desk finishing my homework really quickly. Dad then says "you look horrible" I smirk and say "why thank you, it must be the charm of stress". Dad chuckles and says "you look like you could use sleep, a mental break, and cuddles. Lucky for you I can help with the cuddles at least for now. I jump off the desk and hug him. He hugs back and says "alright let's go read or something". I nod in agreement.

I soon find out that Harry motherfucking Potter wants to go down into the chamber of secrets. Gah, the idiot...looks like I'm stopping his death. I feel stirring in the chamber and immediately go down...probably Harry I may be friendly with him but Merlin's beard he can be an idiot sometimes. I grumble as I head down. When I get there Tom Riddle also known as my motherfucking biological father is down there because one of his stupid ass Horcruxes has been awakened. I cast a spell at Ginny, causing her to wake up and say "look get to your brother, he's in the main entrance with our idiot teacher, Lockheart. Shoo, let the parseltongues deal with Voldemort and the giant basilisk. Harry translates for me then says "wait you know about the basilisk!?" I roll my eyes and say "duh, I'm the real heir to Slytherin, I felt the chamber being opened, that damn basilisk has been trying to talk to me since I was three. Also, you might want to move unless you'd like to be shot with a spell from behind". Harry moves and I say "hi Tom could you just fuck off and Hathath I know you're listening so just go the fuck back to sleep!" Tommy boi doesn't and says "you have no right to speak to me like that, Sakaria" I flip him off and say "try me, bitch, I do what I want". Harry just looks shocked and says "you do know that's Voldemort right?" I nod and say "Of course I fucking know he's Voldemort". Harry then puts his hands up and says "whoah whoah whoah chill your grill". I growl at him and my eyes turn amber with anger. I look at Tom and mutter to myself "I really don't want to bite that book but I know my venom is just as potent as basilisk venom...but eww the ink taste will happen". Harry is then chased by the basilisk and kills it. I frown when I realize Ginny is still fucking here and Harry is dying. Then Dumblefuck's phoenix cries and saves Harry while I stab the book with a basilisk tooth. 

I then tell Harry to go ahead...the bird won't be able to carry us all and I know multiple ways in and out of this chamber. I walk through the passage that ends in the healing wing, wanting to make sure that they are all alright and not even noticing that I have a sprained ankle until Poppy checks me over as well and sends for Dad. I grumble the whole time I'm forced to sit down I mean I don't even feel the pain that Poppy says should be there. Then Poppy says "does it hurt?" I shake my head and she looks confused still and says "not enough adrenaline would be going through your system to block out any pain at all so how?" I hiss a simple "I have high fucking pain tolerance!" She just looks confused and Harry says "she said she has a high pain tolerance...just more colorfully". Dad chose that moment to walk in and says "of course she said it more colorfully she's been stressed to the point she hasn't spoken in English since the first week of school and if you can't tell it's quite obviously the second to last week" I then grumble out a "well, of course, I'd be bloody stressed! I haven't spoken English for about eight months now and it's fucking making me angry with my self!" Dad sighs and says "Potter, do not repeat that". Then Poppy says "well I got you because she has a sprained ankle yet can't feel the pain and there is no possibility its adrenaline dulling it out". Dad shrugs and says "she has a high pain tolerance like me...I can't feel when I sprain something either". I just sit there steeping in self-anger. Dad looks at me and says "I'll take her off your hands...stop sulking, you'll speak English again soon enough since the chamber has been closed again...and Hathath is dead so we don't have to deal with his chatter all the time now". I nod and Dad picks me up, I wrap my arms around his neck for support and wave to Harry and the others in the room.  Soon enough I'm asleep. 

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