time to meet Voldy and hate the new DADA teacher

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Sakaria's P.O.V

Draco broke up with me and got with Pansy. I'm ok with it because I'm pretty sure Draco was just making himself believe he loved me due to the whole our mothers wanted us to be married, but I and Draco are done. 

Now it is summertime and I and Dad were out getting groceries when as we come home I smell someone I don't know. I then say "Dad someone is at our house." Dad looks worried but lets me go in first. I unlock the door and open it before turning into a wolf, then as I walk through the door I see a human figure and I don't recognize this man's scent so I attack. After Dad recognizes the man he stops me and says "Sakaria stop." I don't listen and the man pushes me off of him and shoots a spell at me that turns animagus human again when they are in their animal forms. It doesn't work because I'm a werewolf and Dad says "Sakaria Marie Snape or Lestrange or Riddle one of the three-stop it right now and turn human."

 I do and the man says "so Severus I see that Fenrir was successful in making Sakaria into a werewolf, though not the ordinary type she is rare and does she have wings too?" I simply let out my wings, which are black angel wings with silver ends to each feather. The man smiles and I notice that his eyes are the color of my right eye. This is Voldemort. Voldemort looks at me and seems to notice my train of thought "yes Sakaria I am your biological father, you have one eye that is mine and one that you seem to be able to change the color of at will. Are you a Metamorphagus by chance?" I simply change my hair and eye to turn random colors in order to answer his question before changing them back to my norm. The man seems to like how I've turned out and it annoys me

**At Hogwarts for the beginning of 5th year**

The new DADA teacher is a toad looking woman covered in pink clothing and a horrible vibe about her. It's just after dinner on the second night and I collapse on the floor suddenly. I'm reading and the only one out in the common room so I create a quick Patronus, which is a snake and send a message that says help to Dad. As I begin being unable to breathe normally my veins begin to turn black. Dad bursts in and sees me before muttering quickly "...devils snare" and picking me up. He begins to hurry me to his room because he knows how to help me with this. I then pass out.

Snape's P.O.V

Sakaria passes out and I try to wake her up as I run to my room suddenly the pink thing gets in my way and says "where are you going?" I simply say "to my room" and she replies, "with a student?" I growl in frustration and reply with "she is my daughter so move now." Minerva suddenly steps in and looks at Sakaria's state. She immediately says "move Dolores. Severus come on" and begins to walk towards my room. I follow her and when we get there she opens the door for me. I set her in my bed and take off her tie so she doesn't accidentally choke herself in her sleep. I look at her veins again and see that they have darkened. Minerva then asks "what's wrong with her?" I reply while taking off my cloak "someone poisoned her with the essence of devils snare, which causes werewolves to typically die. Luckily that is false for her type of werewolf, it will poison her for a couple of days at least. We can only wait for her to be rid of the poison." Minerva says "Severus you should sleep I'll watch over you both." I simply say "thank you Minerva" and go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Once I'm back I lay down next to Sakaria and pull the covers over us both. Sakaria leans in closer and uses my bare chest as a pillow because I normally don't sleep with a shirt on and Sakaria is used to it. It's been that way forever. Suddenly she shudders and her wings sprout from her back before covering us both. Minerva smiles at the action, having known about the wings and I drift off to sleep.

**The next morning**

Sakaria's P.O.V

I wake up and see Minnie. I say a quiet but audible "h-hi Minnie" she smiles a bit and says "morning Little Wolf" suddenly I feel feathers and notice my wings, then I realize that what I thought was a pillow is actually Dad's bare chest, whatever him not wearing a shirt doesn't bother me. My wing twitches and smacks me in the face and I mutter "seriously wings?" Minnie laughs a strained laugh. I glance down at my hand and see that my veins are black I then mutter "bloody hell no, I hate essence of devils snare" Minnie hears it and says "Severus hates it when you get poisoned by it too." I try to move my arm because I have a really annoying piece of hair tickling my nose but I can't move. I sigh and say "ugh no moving for at least a day". Dad suddenly wakes up notices I'm awake and smiles slightly before inspecting the veins on my arm. He then says "they are a shade lighter than last night" then he says "how are we gonna hide these?" he wonders aloud motioning towards my wings. I simply say "cloak over them, guessing you're gonna have someone watch over me during the school day" Dad nods his head and says "probably gonna be Dumbledore" I make a "that makes sense" face. 

He then gets up and begins to get ready for the day while Minnie tries to put one of Dad's cloaks on me seeing as we are the same size now that I've stopped growing. I wish I could move but I can't so I can't help her. Minnie makes a triumphant sound and says "I got it to hide those wings of yours" I simply say "thank you Minnie" she smiles and Dad comes out and says "wow you actually got a cloak to cover her wings properly, it probably helps that her wings have turned fully black again since she last molted them". I smile and say "helps a lot seeing as all your cloaks are black" he smiles and picks me up while saying "and Flitwick tells me I need to wear more color, now I have an excuse due to my amazing daughter" I laugh slightly. We begin to walk out the door and Flitwick sees us and says "what happened to Sakaria?" Minnie replies with the "essence of devils snare" I tell you when Flitwick heard that he looked pissed. Dad then says "she is paralyzed from the top of her neck down so I'm going to ask Albus to watch her while I teach" Flitwick doesn't look surprised.

 Ok, I should explain why we know so much about the essence of devils snare and what it does to me. This has happened once before and I was five at that time. Someone had sprinkled essence of devils snare into me and Dad's food. Dad was fine because he wasn't a werewolf but I became poisoned from it for 5 days because what had been happening with Barty Crouch Junior had weakened my immune system. I'm hoping this time it will only take a few days to recover. When we got there Dad had laid me down on the little couch in there and Dumbledore had agreed to watch me.

"Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself?"-Dolores Umbridge A.K.A the pink toad

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