He is back

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Sakaria's P.O.V

The past months have gone the same every day for me. I eat a bit of a sandwich or something every day just to keep being able to function. I just haven't been able to bring myself to eat much. I've lost a ton of weight and Draco, the Hogwarts teachers besides "Moody", my dad and my other friends, even Hermione has looked worried once, are all extremely worried about me. Now Harry has just come back from the final task with Cedric Diggory's dead body. He says loud enough that I hear "he's back, Voldemort is back!" I act without thinking, I run. After a bit, I trip and continue running until I'm exhausted. At this point, I'm near Hagrid's hut. I hear heavy breathing behind me as I drop down to sit on a rock. 

When Dad finally catches up, Draco is with him. They both look concerned and suddenly I feel a sting at my side. I use my wand to create light and I see that under my cardigan my white button-up shirt is wet with a red substance, blood. I move the shirt aside and see that it's a deep cut. I put my shirt down and Dad picks me up and begins to sprint again. This time holding me. He tells Draco to go to the common room and brings me to Madame Pomfrey. Who as soon as she sees me says "what happened?" Dad lays me down and takes off my cardigan for me before unbuttoning the bottom of my button-up shirt until he has it out of the way. Madame Pomfrey looks shocked at the cut and begins to grab supplies. Dad is then called away. 

Madame Pomfrey stitches me up and puts me in a nightgown, to sit on the bed and stay there. I bring my knees to my chest and stare at the wall slowly muttering "he's back, my biological father is back" over and over again. Suddenly Harry Potter is brought in and forced to stay here. He sees me and I don't notice him come up to me until he says "Voldemort is your biological Dad? I thought Snape was!" I nod sadly and say "Voldemort is my biological father and the reason I am a werewolf" I sob and Harry hugs me. He sits next to me and says "it's ok you've chosen Snape as your true father, therefore Snape is your father." He looks at me and I uncover my right eye, which I constantly kept covered because it is the one feature I got from my biological father. I can't change it either. Harry looks slightly shocked and says "that eye is the same color as Voldemort's eyes." I nod and say "even being a Metamorphagus I can't change this one feature." Harry says "well you don't need to, Voldemort might be your biological father and that may be a part of him you can't change, but you are not like him. Snape raised you, not Voldemort. You are nothing like that threat to all humankind." 

I smile slightly and then we both hear a woman I don't know say "Harry who is this?" I look over and see a woman who I take to be the twins' mother. The twins come over to me and say "Mini Snape are you Ok?" at the same time. Harry walks over to the others and suddenly a large black dog and my Dad come in. Sirius almost immediately turned human and asked Harry if he was ok, to which he explained he was fine.

 Then Sirius sees me and says "Saki you ok? Sorry for biting you. You surprised me and you were running straight at me" I then say "what do you mean you weren't there, not even as a canine!?"  Sirius then says "no I was there you just didn't see me, did you take wolfsbane or something because you aren't a wolf and it's the full moon." I then turn into a wolf and bark a "this answer your question idiot?" Sirius looks at me and says "now no need to call me an idiot, I merely forgot that your type of werewolf is not affected in the least by wolfsbane." Dad then comes over and sits next to me. I crawl into his lap once he fully sits on the bed and lay down. I'm tired and it's been an eventful day. At least this form heals faster so by now the cuts are almost small cuts. 

Soon the Weasley's leave and Dad tells Madame Pomfrey that he's gonna bring me to his room and help me there. Madame Pomfrey agrees and as Dad carries me past Harry I wave with my paw. Minnie begins to walk with us halfway there and asks "what happened to Sakaria" Dad replies with "startled a certain dog who was in the pumpkin patch while she was bolting from the quidditch stands." I send a message through both of their brains I can walk but someone decided to carry me, Minnie, then says "really Sakaria, really" I nod and Dad says "I don't want you to start bleeding again." I huff and he smirks knowing he's won. When I and he get to Dad's room that I end up in at least once a month Dad deposits me on the bed and burrito wraps me before going in the bathroom and getting ready for bed. He then comes and lays down next to me before pulling the comforter over both of us. I immediately fall asleep. Well, I am a burrito puppers now.

**The next morning**

Snape's P.O.V

When I found out that "Mad-Eye Moody" was, in reality, Barty Crouch Junior I was pissed, to say the least. Now I realize that Sakaria had known the whole time and that was probably why she couldn't eat, fear. Then I remembered the multiple detentions with him and I realize that she was forced by her fear of what that man used to do to her would happen again.  He probably voiced it as "her punishment" and scared her with that so she wouldn't even tell me. He probably laid his filthy hands over my daughter.

"Happiness can be found in the darkest places, if one only remembers to turn on the light." Albus Dumbledore

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