the whomping willow

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Sakaria's P.O.V

Tonight as I and Lupin go through the tunnel in the whomping willow we hear voices. When we open the door I smell a rat who is an animagus and say "who the hell decided that they could let that rat in here it reeks of Pettigrew." Sirius laughs and I say "hello cousin Sirius" he looks at me and says "hi Saki" I groan and say "hoped you would forget that but no you remembered. Also, stop terrifying your godson just explain that the rat is actually the animagus form of a bitch called Peter Pettigrew." 

Then Harry says "what?" and say "I've gotta stop explaining things for people ". Lupin then says "you also cussed in front of a professor but for this situation I support it and I won't tell your Dad." I mumble a "thank God that would have been an annoying conversation".

 Harry then says "back it up a second you are saying that Scabbers is actually Peter Pettigrew" I nod and say "yup" then I shudder and turn into a wolf and bark a "forgot it was a full moon". Lupin then says "don't worry she knows exactly what she is doing right now, due to her type of werewolf." I then go over to Ron, smack the rat out of his hands with my paw and me, Sirius and Lupin begin to chase him.

 Then he jumps on MY pool table. I growl in anger when they finally catch him and jump up on the pool table and smell it, it smells like that rat now. I grumble and Lupin says "Sakaria I'm sorry it smells like him now I know you like that table." I grumble out a bark of "hell yeah I like this table it's comfy. Sirius looks at my annoyed expression after grabbing Pettigrew by the back of his shirt.

 He then asks "so Saki when did you become a werewolf?" Lupin replies for me "when she was 3" I grumble a bit over the table and repeatedly lay down on it and stand up to fix the scent. Once I'm satisfied I jump up on the shelf and lay there with my paws hanging over the edge of it. Hermione is staring at me like I'm some fascinating being, then I remember I'm laying on a shelf that nobody over 10 pounds would be able to sit on. 

I then smell the familiar scent of Dad and jump down before running to the door. Dad opens it and I rub against his legs he looks down quickly and mutters "you are going to trip me Sakaria". I decide to walk with him and they do the whole "look at you bickering like an old married couple" scene and Dad gets expeliarmused, startling me and I run under the pool table.

 Harry then says "where did Sakaria go?" Lupin says immediately "under the pool table." I look out from under and they see the fear in my eyes as I run over to Dad. I growl in anger at what happened and Hermione says "Harry you attacked a teacher!" Thank you, Hermione, I now know who to smack when I become human...or I could bite him right now. 

Lupin looks at me and says "don't even think about will have to wait to smack him, we don't want any of that basically snake venom of yours in his veins. That would poison him." I  grumble a "wish I wasn't venomous right now" and Sirius must understand me because he says "you were thinking about biting Harry because he threw Snape into the wall weren't you?" I nod and we begin to walk to the castle.

 Once we get outside the tunnel Lupin begins to shift and Dad wakes up and yells "Sakaria play like a pup, you know his wolf thinks of you as it's pup." I nod and jump on the wolf forms back, he becomes careful of my balance and I jump around him, but he had already hurt Sirius. Then he hears a howl. He picks me up by the scruff and I grunt in annoyance as he runs towards the sound. I see Dad out if the corner of my eye and he looks like he's amused at my predicament. Hmph. Lupin carries me through the forest until I smell Hermione and Harry but I pretend to get hurt to give them more time to get out of here. Lupin sets me down to see if I'm hurt and then picks me up again. By now I'm tired and I fall asleep.

**The next morning.**

I wake up in a cave with Lupin he's about to wake up and shift so I grab my bag which luckily stayed on me last night and get dressed then when he turns human I toss an outfit of his at him that I obtained by stealing it from his closet. Then he gets dressed as well. 

I then say "looks like full wolf Lupin has adopted me as it's pup" Lupin laughs and smiles before asking gravely "what happened?" I reply with "you smacked Sirius upside the head and my Dad told me to act like a playful puppy so I did and then you heard a howl and picked me up by the scruff. Then when we got near the source of the howl I pretended to be hurt to buy them some time. They then got on Buckbeak and flew somewhere and I fell asleep. Now we must navigate through here, it's probably gonna be easier if I turn into a wolf and track our way back." I then turn wolf again and Lupin picks up my bag, we then start our hike to the castle.

*An hour later*

 Dad is waiting outside the woods and I turn back human and say "that was a refreshing hike" before stumbling Dad then says "did you get her drunk?" to Lupin who falls over. Dad then sends a Patronus to someone. He picks me up and says "how long have you two been walking?" I reply with "about an hour I'm not sure" and my tail decides to come up and smack him in the face because it is wagging so quickly. Dad moves it out of his face and holds the end of it so it doesn't wack him. 

Then Minnie and Dumbledore appear over here and it distracts Dad, making him let go of my tail, it wacks him again. Minnie laughs and I turn into a wolf for a second on accident because I can't control my form right now. Dad struggles with me and finally catches my tail again and holds the end of it again before saying "no more wacking me with that tail of yours" Minnie and Dumbledore then say "what did you need help with?" Dad then looks over at Lupin and says "Lupin" they then pick up Lupin and we are both brought to the castle. Dad brings me to his room and plops me down on his bed where I promptly fall asleep.

"We've all got both light and dark in us"- Sirius Black

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