Ah yes closets are fun places to be during wars

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Alright, I helped Harry Potter break into the Ministry by using my legilimens powers on Hermione and giving her the idea of a "secret weapon" to distract the pink toad. Shh you know nothing, Dad can't know or I will be in major trouble. Oh well, I don't care. 

**6th year**

I and Dad have been roped into the death eaters once again. Draco is a death eater now and he has to kill Dumbledore. What Voldemort doesn't know is that Dumbledore is already dying. During the death eater meetings, I am forced to sit directly next to Voldemort with my ears tail and wings out in the open. I and Nagini tend to talk during these meetings, honestly, nobody else cares about us not paying attention. The only time I do pay attention is when there are hostages that Nagini is gonna end up eating. It is slightly interesting how a snake of her size could eat a human whole, without chewing. So yeah that's basically how I spent 6th year along with my studies at Hogwarts. 

**7th year**

Honestly, it's boring this year, death eaters as two of the teachers. Dad is tired of being headmaster. That is until the war started. Let's be honest I've been stuck in a closet for the past 12 hours, none the less a broom closet. I was stuffed in here by one of the two death eater teachers I don't care which one they look almost the same I just know that being in a closet during a war is boring. Suddenly the door opens and it's Draco, whom I had lent my wand to so he could protect himself and give his mother hers back. Draco just throws me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and I say "Draco Lucius Malfoy put me down now!" as expected he does not listen. Instead, he heads outside, where Voldemort is calling for his followers. Draco continues to carry me over his shoulder as I lock eyes with Minnie and I give her a look that says "trust me I did not choose this". 

Then Draco sets me down and Voldemort's arms wrap around me in a hug. Then Voldemort says to me "let out those wings of yours or I'll let Fenrir have his way with you, then heel mutt".  Some father he is, I let my wings out and smack Draco in the face with one of them in annoyance at him. 

Should I tell you something? I keep knives, which I know how to use in my boots and up my sleeves, I have four on me right now.  

I then say as I hug Voldemort back "you show me love and then spit in my face, making your money off all of my pain, but you can't put an eagle inside of a cage, because I am strong enough to escape" wrapping my arms around his neck as I grab one of the knives in my sleeve and whisper into his ear "hail master" before attempting to stab him, the only thing that stops me is Voldemort grabbing my hand and tossing the knife to Bellatrix. 

He then pushes me away from him and I jump behind him and to the right, directly at Fenrir as I shift and rip his head off. Then I pad over to Voldemort and put the head at his feet before I turn back and say loud enough for everybody to hear "are you proud of me, my biological father, for I have killed my competition for favorite mutt because you can't surround a lion with a bunch of lazy sheep." 

Voldemort pushes me to Bellatrix who holds me with her hand over my mouth, big mistake honey, I'm pissed so my venom is flowing freely, I bite her and she moves her hand back before putting the knife to my neck. I then say to her "I'm done being your slave, my generations had enough and you should be afraid, I'm not your prisoner and my venom is slowly killing you as we speak" her eyes widen and her hands shake as she brings the knife up to my lips instead. She has the blade across my lips and I simply stare forward at Minnie. 

Suddenly I hear Harry Potter's thoughts say "thanks for the distraction, Sakaria".  I reply using my mind why of course dear friend. I smile and the knife cuts my lips slightly, but I could care less about pain right now.

 Things get crazy and when I get free from the grip of Bellatrix I pull out a knife from my boot.  Suddenly Thorfinn, the one who threw Dad into that cage, comes at me and I throw the knife, hitting directly between his eyes. I retrieve the knife and throw it at the next death eater who comes at me, Bellatrix's husband. I kill him as well then head into the Great Hall on Minnie's tail. She notices me and says "you never told me you were so good with a knife" I smirk and say " what can I say Dad as in Snape taught me a variety of ways to protect myself with if my wand ever broke or was taken".

 She shakes her head and I throw a knife at a death eater behind her before retrieving the knife and she curses a death eater behind me. Then Minnie being Minnie goes for Voldemort. I throw a knife at him and it ricochets off a magical shield he puts up and I catch it as he yells at me to stop trying to kill him. I reply like the  savage teen I am "you aren't my father, Snape is!!"

 I flip him off with both hands then I throw a knife at Bellatrix just as Mrs. Weasley shoots a curse at her that along with my knife kills her. I retrieve the knife and suddenly Harry has killed Voldemort.

 I walk over to Voldemort and nudge him with my foot before saying "oh dear is he dead? Why yes he is, good riddance I say" Minnie looks at me and laughs. I look at Harry before saying "so Harry how ya doin'" Harry hugs me and I just stand there awkwardly.

 Then Harry stares at the wings and mutters something about me having too many surprises for him in one day. Oh well, I need to find Dad, I see his bag on his normal chair and go to grab it. 

When I pick it up I feel that something is wrong.  Then I get a collage of images in my head and fall over just as Minnie is coming up to me, I stand back up and shake my head before saying "Minnie don't even try to tell me Dad is dead, he was bitten by a snake whose venom is much less potent than mine and Dad has been taking the antidote, also he's simply at our house. So I am going to fly there seeing as it isn't too far away see you sometime soon". She looks at me and shakes her head as I take off and fly towards Spinner's end, Cokeworth. 

When I get there I grab my key that I keep on a chain at my belt. I unlock the door and go inside before closing it behind me. I then go into the living room and look at the familiar person sitting in the chair. I then say "and Minnie was trying to come up to me to tell me you were dead, no you are very much alive and breathing," He smirks and says "I knew you wouldn't believe it, you just had to grab my bag didn't you" I nod and look at the makeshift bandaging of his collarbone before rolling my eyes. I then say "I'm grabbing the first aid kit take off that shirt It'll just be in the way of me bandaging that bite" he smiles at me and I go grab the first aid kit. Then I come back in and begin bandaging his collarbone correctly. 

Then I hear Minnie and yell "come in Minnie"  knowing that it is her. She comes in and says immediately "so you weren't just refusing the prospect of him being dead" I hum a yes. Then I finish bandaging Dad's collarbone. I throw his shirt at him and he says "calm down Sakaria also why are you covered in blood?" I reply with "because I ripped a werewolf's head off with my teeth in my wolf form, bit my biological mother's hand, and threw knives at death eaters." Minnie makes a "that pretty much sums it up" face.  Dad looks at me and says "what death eaters?" I smile and say "Thorfinn, Bellatrix's husband, Bellatrix, one other who was about to curse MInne, and I was very proud of myself for this last one, I killed Fenrir Greyback" Minnie grimaces remembering how I did that. Then I say "I also tried to stab Voldy Moldy after pretending to let him hug me and saying "hail master" along with throwing a knife at him, flipping him off and telling him just how bad he did at keeping me in a cage. He yelled at me to stop trying to kill him so I yelled that he wasn't my father and that you are. I am very happy with yelling that at the top of my lungs then throwing a knife at my biological mother". Minnie rolls her eyes and says "of course you would find joy in that" I smile and she uses her wand to douse me in water, I splutter and get my hair out of my face. I then say "I get it, Minnie, I'm gonna go take a shower right now."

Snape's P.O.V

Minerva drys the carpet and sits down next to me before saying "your daughter is tougher than Hell itself". I reply with "I could've told you that myself". 

Snape's daughter, his angelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin