The first full moon of the year

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Sakaria's P.O.V

Ah yes, today is the first full moon of the year also known as the first day of stupidity! I was told to meet Professor Lupin at the Great Hall before dinner so I'm heading that way. Once I get there he is not there so I take out my book and begin to read, about 5 minutes later He comes in and says "I have escaped the student body so let's head out." I snort and throw my book in my bag after marking the page. I then stand up and head out to...the whomping willow? He then says "you can turn into a wolf by will correct?" I nod and he says "ok that makes things easier, you see the knot on the tree press it with your paw." I turn into a wolf and run to the base of the tree before hitting the knot I was told to. Professor Lupin then runs to the base and I follow him into the hole underneath the tree after turning back to a human.

We walk together until we reach a door that looks very old. We then go inside and lock the door behind us. I hang up my bag on the hook on the wall before I fall to the floor and shift, my clothes rip this time due to it being the full moon causing the change. Once the change finishes I stand up and rub against Professor Lupin's legs then I bark. He takes this to mean "I know my actions" I guess this because he says "ok you are fully in your mind, I now know that you shift a bit earlier than me." I roll my eyes and jump up onto a pool table that is in this room. I walk over to near a shelf and jump up and sit on it. "Have you finished growing as a wolf?" Lupin asks and I shake my head no. 

He then comes over and I jump onto his head and balance there.  "So it is true you don't weigh a thing" I bark out a yes and jump back on the shelf, I then see a chair and jump onto the back of it without tipping it over. "Impressive" Lupin says shocked. I shrug in my wolf form and jump on to the pool table that Lupin is standing by. He watches me and as I walk passed him I put my tail in his face and jump down to the floor again. He then says "so now you are putting your tail in my face like you were doing on the train to your". I go under the pool table and he says. "where did you go?" I then pull on his pant leg lightly with my teeth and he looks down at me. 

I run to the middle of the room then suddenly he begins to turn into his form on a full moon. Once he finishes he stays there for a minute before heading over to the mattress in the corner and flopping down on it before saying in wolf "goodnight pup." I groan and run over to the pool table deciding that I will sleep there. He glanced at me and says "why are you sleeping on the pool table?" I simply say "it is comfy" then I decide to grab the blanket that I shoved in my backpack along with the extra one I threw in there. I grab them both out of my backpack with my teeth and separate them. I lay my blanket on the pool table then drag the other one over to Lupin. I drag it over him and he looks confused. I shrug and say "what it gets cold outside at Hogwarts during September, I should know I fell asleep outside once and Dad couldn't find me till morning because I was in a nook and I'd been asleep." I then run over to the pool table and lay down before pulling the blanket on over me. I soon fall asleep.

Lupin's P.O.V

Sakaria is such a good person it's adorable, especially in her wolf form. She seems to be very prepared as well.  She is soon asleep and the fur around her snout begins to change colors in her dreams. I'd heard she was a Metamorphagus but I'd never seen her use it before. I notice that she was excited and awed when I changed, she must have never met another nice werewolf before. I also notice something that she hides in her human form with her hair. She has a scar across her eye that looks like a knife was dragged across her eyelid. I wonder what exactly happened to her. I soon fall asleep.

**The next morning**

Luna's P.O.V

I wake up and immediately begin to change back I groan in the annoyance of the pain that turning back human after a full moon brings. I then lunge for my bag after wrapping the blanket around me but I forget I'm on a pool table and Lupin is changing back so he's awake. I fall on my face and rummage around for something but I don't look near him. I rewrap the blanket around me again and stand up before grabbing my bag. I rummage around while sitting on the floor because I'm tired.

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