the boggart

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A month later

Sakaria's P.O.V

I'm in DADA and today we are learning about boggarts. Neville goes first and his boggart is...Dad, Professor Snape.  Neville puts him in grandmother's clothes and it makes me feel utterly and completely shocked yet amused at the same time. I have to show Dad this, it's hilarious. 

We get in a line and Lupin doesn't realize that it's my turn until the boggart turns into both Barty Crouch Junior and Fenrir Greyback. Immediately I begin to have a panic attack as Greyback says "hello little sweet, I bet you still taste ravenous." I immediately turn into a wolf due to my panic forcing the shift. Lupin had been trying to get the class out so he could help me. He then stepped in front of it and shoved it into the closet as I run under the table. I lay down against the wall with my tail covering my face along with my paws. Lupin tries to come under the table but he is too tall so instead, he tries to coax me out. It doesn't work so he sends a Patronus message to someone. He tries to get under the table again and succeeds he sits next to me and pulls me closer to him muttering "Sakaria breathe ok, it's gone" over and over.

 I hear footsteps again and begin to shake until the figure leans down to look under the table. I see the familiar face of Dad and Lupin climbs out from under the table so Dad can pull me out, he knows Dad is the person I trust the most in the world. Dad pulls me out from under the table and cradles my wolf form against him. He then stands up and says "let's get you a calming potion otherwise this may trigger another attack." I nod and Lupin says "I'll take care of all the other students" Dad nods and situates my wolf body so he can carry me. I wrap my tail around his waist so I can try to blend in a bit easier.

 He begins to walk and when we are halfway there my breathing speeds up again, worrying Dad but then a student from the second year Gryffindors, Ginny Weasley gets in the way. "Ms. Weasley please get out of my way this is an urgent matter" she does but looks at us funny. Then when we are almost there Minnie comes out of her office and Dad says "cancel all my classes for the remainder of the day" she sees me and nods but looks worried. When we get there Dad immediately sets me down and begins to rummage in his potions cupboard. He finds one and says "well the easiest way for you to take this is for you to lick it up from a bowl" before grabbing a bowl and pouring it in. He sets the bowl in front of me and I lick it up quickly, once I finish Dad puts it in the sink to wash and sits down next to me, he gets comfortable because we are in the couch and I move so I can bury my face in his neck.  Soon enough we both fall asleep.

Minerva's P.O.V

When I told Dumbledore to make the announcement about Snape's classes he looks worried. I explain by saying "Sakaria had a panic attack and force shifted." He looks worried but glad he knows. I then teach my next class which is seventh years who the majority of happening to be kids who liked to watch Sakaria. They look at me and say "what happened to Sakaria?" Knowing the look on my face and the fact that Snape's classes were canceled means something happened to her. I reply with "she had a major panic attack" they then look worried as well but I start the lesson.

 Once the lesson is over I'm glad it was my last lesson for the day because I immediately go to see how they are. I knock on the door to Severus's room and when I don't get an answer I walk in, both of them are laying on the couch. Sakaria burying her face in his neck and laying on Severus, asleep. Severus is almost entirely asleep, only slightly awake, I know this because his eyelid twitches once and then it seems as though he is entirely asleep. He has his arms wrapped around Sakaria's wolf body protectively and I smile. I sit down and see the fact that there is a bowl covered in what looks like either a sleeping draught or a calming potion of that one potion that does both in the sink. Then I look over to the other armchair and see a blanket so I walk over, pick it up and put it over the two sleeping figures. I know that if it weren't for Severus's natural sense of my presence and Sakaria being a natural legilimens, Severus wouldn't be asleep but wide awake and trying to protect her. 

Dumbledore knocks on the half-open door and I shush him but let him in. Severus wakes slightly but falls back asleep immediately. Dumbledore smiles and says quietly "it seems that Sakaria is a bit better, however she may not turn human for a bit." I nod, agreeing and we both leave, closing the door behind us.

**The next morning because Professor Snape accidentally gave Sakaria a potion that lasted that long and he also accidentally got some on his hand before and he was licking his fingers free of brownie mix**

Sakaria's P.O.V

I and Dad are just waking up and I move groggily to go turn human and change my clothes. Dad makes breakfast and says as I come back into the living room part of his teachers' room. Which is basically a small apartment. He made eggs, knowing that that is all I will be able to eat. I eat them after saying "thank you" then I notice my tail and wolf ears are still out and say "I'm not gonna hide them by now the whole school knows I'm a werewolf." Dad nods and says "Minerva came in while you were changing and told me that everyone knows." 

I then say "I swear Minnie and Dumbledore are the only two teachers who you will stay asleep with if they come in the room while you are sleeping. They both came in yesterday to check on us, my brain legilimensing them without my consent told me that much." Dad smiles and says "what can I say we have woken up and I've had to protect you from, excuse my language because I'm a professor, those bitches who came into our home." I shrug and  say "true, true." I look at the time and say we should head to the Great Hall so I can have Draco fuss over me and get that over with". Dad chuckles and I say "we both know that is exactly what is going to happen", Dad nods and we begin to walk. 

As we are walking Dad says "I bet he won't fuss over you now that you've said he will." I then say "deal if I win the bet I get to magic a streak of green in your hair and you have to keep it that way for a week" we both shake on it. When I walk in Draco immediately sees me and waits till I sit down, then starts fussing over me, I smirk at Dad and he says "a bet is a bet go ahead." I magic his hair to have a streak of bright green in it. He then walks over to the teachers' table where Lupin looks at him like he grew another head. I smirk and Draco says "what did you two bet about?" I reply with "that you would start fussing over me." He chuckles and says "he was bound to lose that bet because I love you." I smile and say "aww Draco that's really nice" he then says "well our mom's may have put us in this arranged marriage but I have grown to love you" I smile and say "same here" he kisses my forehead and Dad have been watching this makes the "shocked Pikachu face" as the muggles call it. I laugh and Draco looks that way and laughs as well.

 Then Dad begins to glare at his godson who just kissed my forehead and I roll my eyes. Draco then says 'I have never been on this side of that glare from him before it's kinda scary." I roll my eyes and say "please saying that my dad is scary is like saying that your dad lets people shave all his hair off." Draco replies with "lies, he can be scary" I roll my eyes and I hear someone say "look she has a wolf tail!" But I ignore it. Very very annoying if you ask me. Draco and I head to class quickly.

"But I won't deny I am a werewolf"- Remus Lupin

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