blood blood and a concussion

863 13 2

Sakaria's P.O.V

I wake up across from the Great Hall, hanging by my wrists about 3 feet above the ground. The next thing I notice is pain, I'm covered in cuts that when I pay more attention say MUTT over and over.

 Minnie suddenly comes walking to the Great Hall and I suddenly cough up blood. She sees me and runs over before yelling "relashio!" and catching me. I cough up blood again and soon people are gathered around us as Minnie tries to stem the bleeding. Flitwick is suddenly there and Minnie says "go get Severus, tell him it's Sakaria!"

 He runs and minutes later Dad and Flitwick come rushing back, now there is a small pool of blood around us from me coughing it up and bleeding. Dad asks "who?" As he picks me up and begins to Sprint with Minnie running with us. I reply with a faint "Pink toad" he understands and looks angry as we finally hit the hospital wing Madame Pomfrey sees us and says "set her down on a bed I'll stop the bleeding" as she grabs potions and pours one down my throat. 

The bleeding stops and she washes the cuts she can reach and bandages them. Then she picks me up and asks for Minnie's help before going into a room where she removes my shirt and begins to wash and bandage the cuts she couldn't reach after giving me a blood replacement and lightheadedness relief potion. She and Minnie notice the scars that date back to when I was very little and she asks about them. 

I then say quietly "they are from when Dad was thrown in a cage and body bound while Fenrir Greyback attacked me on full moons are from after when Dad was constantly body bound and I was forced to become immune to the cruciatus and Imperious curses by Barty Crouch Junior." They look shocked, Minnie knew I'd been attacked by a werewolf on multiple occasions but did not know when it was or what happened exactly. All Madame Pomfrey knew was that I was a rare type of werewolf. 

Once they finish bandaging me up Minnie picks me up and carries me out to the main part of the hospital wing we are met with the sight of Dad on the floor with a broken cat plate by him. Minnie sets me down on a bed and helps Madame Pomfrey pick up Dad and set him on the bed next to me. Dad then wakes up and sits up straight hitting Minnie in the forehead with his head and says. "I'm pissed at that pink toad first she hurts my daughter then she chuck's a fricking pink cat plate at my head while I'm pacing and worrying! Excuse my poor language but I'm not letting my daughter near that bitch again!" He sees me and says "thank God you are alright" I smile and say, "I think you like the pink toad thing as much as I do and it's only the sixth day of term". Madame Pomfrey looks at Dad's head and says "Severus she gave you a very slight, almost not there concussion so no sleeping for an hour." He puts his hands up in the air and looks at Minnie before saying "you have a bit of something on your dress" Minnie rolls her eyes and says "no really? I mean it's not like I was holding your daughter as she bled and coughed up blood" I smile at her sarcasm and Dad says "and I thank you for helping her as best you could but I'm merely teasing about you wearing color and it affecting that fact".

 Minnie smirks and says "well I'm going to go wash up you two have fun sitting in the infirmary for the next two days". We both look confused and Madame Pomfrey says "it's true I told her just before she left" then she walks over to her little spot she's at during the day, out of sight but she'll hear you if you yell for her. Dad comes over and sits on my bed next to me. We both lean against the headboard and the pillow and ask through our heads what are we going to do for an hour? Then Dad realizes something and says They'll have to cancel potions for everyone. We both sigh with no understanding of what to do for at least an hour. Then I say out loud "Filch is gonna have a mess to clean up" Dad then says "yes he is". 

Then Dumbledore comes in and says "Severus I brought you your bookbag also Sakaria, seeing as your father has the necessary amount of knowledge on defense against the dark arts he will teach you. Also, we've decided to permanently remove Sakaria from the Slytherin dorms and just put her in your room Severus seeing as she tends to sleep in there a lot." I nod and Dumbledore leaves. Dad grabs the book bag that was set next to the bed and opens it before pulling out a random book for me knowing I read everything he does. It's Hamlet and Dad pulls out Romeo and Juliet. I smirk and we switch books. We read for the rest of the day, occasionally changing our books. Soon Madame Pomfrey says "you two have to stay here overnight so goodnight seeing as it is 9 o'clock." She turns out the lights and we put the books back in the bag and Dad moves over to the bed that he was put on originally and we both fall asleep, both of us waking up immediately when Madame Pomfrey comes in in the morning. 

She looks at us and says "same as usual waking up to the smallest sound or presence". We both nod and she tells us we are free to leave, being a werewolf I heal pretty quickly so she removes the bandages and the cuts are mere scratches. We are both glad yesterday was a Friday because now it is a Saturday and there are no classes. I wanna go back to sleep too.

"The ones that love us never really leave us"- Sirius Black

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