Puppers with wings

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Sakaria's P.O.V

Stupid wing, had to fracture, didn't it? I walk with Dad and Minnie out to the living room and lay on the couch on my stomach. Minnie pats my head before sitting in the other chair beside Dad's. Dad sits in his chair and says "now we are both hurt, oh well, you'll heal tomorrow and one more dose of your venom's antidote will heal my collarbone completely since it even helps with healing" I nod my head and say "I'm comfy now....oh dang it, I have to get my wand back from Draco, I gave it to him so he could give his mother hers back, so she could defend herself!" Dad then says "we'll go together, I need to talk to Narcissa anyways".  Minnie then says "you two look tired, sleep. I'll stay here tonight if I can, sadly my house was burnt down a while ago, during the school year so I didn't know" Dad then says "please, you are like my adopted mom go ahead, take the guest room for as long as you need, for now, I'm gonna sleep." I am already almost asleep. 

*the next day*

I wake up near noon and grumble at my wing, Dad also wakes up and grumbles about his collarbone. I then hear Minnie say "you two are just like each other" I then say "well I am my father's daughter what do you expect?" She laughs and Dad says "I'm gonna take that final dose with breakfast" I then smell eggs and say "Minnie when did you have time to make breakfast without waking us up?" She then says "I used magic since I didn't want to wake you up, now come on let's eat". I get up with some struggle because of my wings and Dad is out of the chair and says "Accio antidote" it comes into his hand and we walk to the dining room attached to the kitchen. I sit in the chair with no back. When we finish eating and Dad had taken the antidote we all sit down and read until dinner time. 

*dinner time*

I finish making dinner for the other two and bring it to the table before putting an apple in the dog dish in the dining room. I then walk out and say "dinner is ready" before turning into a wolf in front of their eyes, I grumble about the clothes and pick them up with my teeth before bringing them to my room and putting a pair of pajamas in Dad's room, the only time I use my room is when I'm on my period, which I am not. I walk into the dining room before eating my apple which I had the mind to cut up before putting in the dish. I notice that my wings stayed out this time and that my wing is almost fully healed by now. I smile at this and finish my apple. Once Dad finishes we go out to the living room and he unwraps my wing. I move it and notice no pain, Dad looks at it before saying "that was fast, even for you" he pets my head and I smile a wolfish grin. Minnie laughs and says "well I've never seen your wolf form with the wings as well" I wag my tail and lower the front half of my body, wanting to play. Dad laughs and grabs a squeaky toy mouse from the box that holds dog toys before dropping it on the floor in the middle of the room. I jump at it before biting at it, as it squeaks I smirk. 

Severus's P.O.V

As Sakaria plays with the mouse I chuckle in amusement. Minerva then says "what did that mouse ever do to her?" I laugh even more and say "She hasn't liked mice since she met the Weasley rat. She never liked him, she had good reason too, it was secretly Peter Pettigrew, the man who sold out Lily and Potter" I smile at my little wolf and watch her attack the mouse before deciding it has suffered enough and going over to the box that holds dog toys she lifts the lid with her muzzle before dropping the mouse in and grabbing a rope toy. I watch knowingly as she grabs one side before padding over to Minerva and sitting down in front of her. Minerva looks confused and I say "grab the other end and hold on to it tight". She does and Sakaria gets up before pulling on the rope with her teeth, playing tug of war. I laugh as she and Minerva play. 

Once Sakaria gets it out of Minerva's grip she pads around in a circle with her tail held high in triumph. I and Minerva laugh but then Sakaria puts the rope back and yawns. I smile at her and she comes over and pulls on my pant leg I stand up and say "well Minerva it looks like it's someone's bedtime so I'm going to go to bed now, night" Minerva replies with a smile and "sweet dreams Severus, you too Little Wolf" Sakaria chirps a "night" and walks up to our room, immediately jumping up on the bed. I wrap her up like a burrito with some struggle then she says in my mind I am a burrito puppers I chuckle and lay down in bed, falling asleep almost instantly. 

Minerva's P.O.V

I walk up to bed but check on the Little Wolf and Severus, Sakaria is wrapped like a burrito and Severus looks like he fell asleep as soon as he started to crawl into bed, I walk in the room before pulling the comforter over Severus and situating Sakaria so she will be more comfortable. I head to bed knowing that they will sleep fine.

Severus's Dream 

I run around Hogwarts and ask every student I come across if they had seen a small black wolf pup. They all say no until one group of them says "yeah we saw one over by the stairs but didn't want to approach it. Why?" I reply with " her mama wolf trusted me to take care of her and she got out of my room!" as I run towards the stairs. I run up the stairs, worry like a wrench in my gut. There are 142 staircases in this castle and my little wolf pup could be anywhere. I send a Patronus to each teacher quickly saying that she got out of my room because the door wasn't fully closed and that the last time anyone saw a little wolf was near the stairs. I soon see other teachers searching staircases as well as the castle. She can be anywhere in this castle. Suddenly I hear a whimper that sounds like a puppy crying. I head towards it and find her in a hallway on the 2nd floor. She is sitting by the wall and I pick her up as I sit down with her. I then let my tears of worry fall freely now that I have her back in my arms. I hold her tight and whisper to my little four-year-old pup about how worried I was about her. One of the teachers must have heard me because suddenly there are 5 teachers watching us. I look up and Minerva says "don't worry I sent a Patronus saying you found her to the others" I nod and kiss the little wolf in my arms on the forehead. Pomona, Albus, Minerva, Flitwick, and Rolanda. They all smile at me and I  wipe my tears with my hand before standing up and thanking them all. Minerva laughs lightly before saying "this little one reminds me of you when you came to Hogwarts, small, and curious, and a bit of a troublemaker". I don't respond instead opting to hug her with my little wolf in one arm and hugging Minerva with the other. She smiles and I kiss my little wolf on the forehead again, noticing that she is asleep now. I walk to the teachers' room corridor with the others besides Dumbledore. Rolanda then says "well Severus, you even rock when you stand now that you've got this little girl. How she got out of your room without you noticing immediately I don't know, nobody besides Minerva and Albus can even come into your room without you waking up. This little one is stealthy". I laugh lightly and say "by the time I noticed she'd gotten out of bed, and out the door, I had just finished grading papers. Oh God now I'm going to have a million students asking me if I found the wolf tomorrow" Rolanda laughs and says "night, I've gotta teach more first years about brooms tomorrow". 

Snape's daughter, his angelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن