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Tonight is Halloween and it's a full moon, I begin to feel horrible and my ears start ringing. Dad must have seen this because he stands up and walks over to me before grabbing my hand and beginning to bring me to his room as is normal. Then Quirrel runs in and yells "troll in the dungeons!..I thought you ought to know." Before fake fainting, though everyone else seems to believe the fainting spell. Dad whispers to me "hurry the moon is starting to rise I have to stop Quirrel." I nod and head down to his room quickly. There is a cage set up in the room for when I shift, I had requested it because I don't want to hurt anybody. I crawl in, lock it with the locking spell, and push my wand out of the cage, it rolls under Dad's bed as I begin to turn into a wolf. Once the transformation is over my mind is clear and I am aware of everything. I sit down in the cage and wait for Dad to come in because I'm worried. An hour later he comes limping into the room, I whine in worry about him and he says "Sakaria I am fine". I roll my eyes as if to say "sure you are", he catches this and says "it's fine, just a cut that was already cleaned." I drop it and lay down and fall asleep.

Snape's P.O.V

Jeez, she worries about me almost as much as I worry about her. When she is a wolf she is about the same size as a fox but she is still growing too. I go to sleep once she is asleep.

**The next morning because I'm not sure what to do here**

Sakaria's P.O.V

I wake up and immediately turn human, I grab the blanket we keep in here and cover myself with it, making myself a burrito. About 10 minutes later Dad wakes up and unlocks the cage before asking "where did your wand go?" I reply with "it rolled under the bed. He summons it and hands it to me before going into the bathroom to get ready while I do in here, I keep a spare change of clothes in here and in my bag due to the fact that my transformations literally tear my clothes to shreds on full moons but weirdly if I do it on purpose they appear back on my body when I turn back human. I then fix the clothes I was wearing yesterday and put them in the closet after cleaning them quickly with magic. I then throw the blanket back in the cage and brush my hair and Dad opens the door to the bathroom so I quickly brush my teeth with him before we head to the Great Hall. I grab my bag on the way out and we walk to the hall, we get there just after Minnie and Flitwick. We say good morning and I sit down at the Slytherin table and begin to read my potions book again. Dad looks at me and laughs saying "Sakaria I swear you have read that book to the point you have memorized it." I reply "I have I just really like reading it." Minnie and Flitwick both say "definitely a Snape" at the same time and Dad mocks being shocked before replying "what do you mean she is a cat" sarcastically I reply with "no, I'm a Snape and I'm very proud of it and Dad is my favorite teacher here, though I am slightly biased" Dad replies "you flatter me, Sakaria, you flatter me." Then Minnie replies "slightly biased? I would say you are very biased seeing as you two have such a strong relationship." We both look at her raising one eyebrow and say together sarcastically, "why I haven't an idea what you mean." Flitwick then walks over to the professors' table while rolling his eyes.  Dad just sits down next to me instead so I lean my head down on his shoulder and say "So Minnie how have your classes been going?" She smiles and says "good now I'm going to head up to the professors' table, Severus you coming up?" Dad shakes his head no and we both turn to sit facing the table as most of the Slytherins begin to come in, the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs are all here already but some of the Gryffindors are still asleep since it's a Saturday. Once I finish my breakfast Dad leaves to the teachers' lounge for a meeting and I go to the courtyard. I walk towards a familiar red-headed duo and sneak up on them. I jump on Fred's back and put my hands in front of his eyes before saying "guess who" he immediately replies with "mini Snape" I remove my hands and say "correct" having grown used to the nickname. He then situates me more comfortably in his back. Then Harry Potter a girl and a boy who I think I'd Fred and George's younger brother. The twins don't notice the trio so Fred says "So mini Snape how do you like being an actual student, not just the potions professor's daughter who is constantly being watched by either McGonagall or one of the other teachers during Professor Snape's lessons?" I reply with "a lot more eventful now, Minnie isn't always randomly stealing me now as she would always do before." George laughs and says "hi Ron didn't see you, hi Harry, Hermione." Then the trio stares at me, and Fred says "this is Sakaria or as we like to call her since we met her, Mini Snape." I jump off Fred's back and say "hello Hermione, my Dad says that your potion work is impressive compared to the other Gryffindors." Then Hermione says "and who is your father?" I reply simply with "Professor Snape is my father. She looks at me and says "now that I think of it that makes a lot of sense, you two look very similar, who is your mother?" I snarl and reply with "My mother is Bellatrix Lestrange though I don't think of her as a mother, Dad is more, my only parent, in my eyes." Hermione nods in understanding. Then Ron looks at me and asks "so is Professor Snape a really strict parent?" I smile and say "well he's more of the happy medium of strict, he's more worried about my well-being than he is strict. He is actually a very kind and helpful person. Dad only acts the way he does towards the students because he doesn't trust easily after... nevermind why." Ron's eyes widen in surprise and George says "Ron you do know that we've known her for a while now and is commonly associated with her leads to being commonly associated with Snape. Snape is very very protective of her, Mini Snape remember when the three of us fell into the lake because someone had tried to hit Fred and both you and I stood in his way so he decided to push us in the lake instead?" I giggle and say "when the giant squid got us out Dad somehow already knew and was there waiting, asking what had happened." Fred then says "then he picked you up and left immediately after. You know I bet even Ron could carry you, you're light as a feather." I laugh and say "I know Professor Flitwick can pick me up with no struggle, it happened twice last year." Then Fred says "Let's see if Ron can pick you up" I shrug and Ron says "Ok" I set my bag down and jump on his back, he doesn't even stagger but says "I swear it feels like I don't even have anything on my back." Hermione then says "please not weighing anything is impossible let me see." I jump off Ron's back and onto Hermione's she then says "how is this possible?" I jump off and Harry says "what are you talking about, she must weigh something". I jump off Hermione's back and say "what am I a backpack?" Fred laughs and I jump onto Harry's back, Harry makes a shocking noise before I jump off and say "ya know what I'm gonna stick to being the twins' backpack they are taller so it's more comfortable." We all laugh and then I hear someone yell my name so I grab my bag and run over after saying "gotta go". Unsurprisingly it's Dad, "Hi Dad how was the meeting?" He replies with "good why were you being a backpack?" I reply with "well Fred said that even Ron could carry me on his back because I'm literally light as a feather. So he did and said that I weigh nothing, Hermione didn't believe him and neither did Harry." He makes an "I understand" face and we walk together.

"Eat some chocolate, it will make you feel better." Remus Lupin, Prisoner of Azcabaan

Snape's daughter, his angelWhere stories live. Discover now