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Bellatrix's P.O.V

As the men from the ministry prepare to chain me my water breaks. One of the ministry men say "are you ok?" I reply with "my water just broke" he then looks at my stomach suddenly remembering I've been pregnant. He calls over the other men and tells them I'm pregnant and my water just broke. Fenrir looks at me, shocked as he remembers I'm pregnant. Then he sees a chance to leave I nod and he bolts.

**The next morning**

I finally gave birth to her. I named her Sakaria Marie Snape even though her father is the dark lord. She's going to be going to Severus though since I'm going to Azkaban.

Snape's P.O.V

I am drinking my coffee when suddenly an owl swoops in carrying a letter telling me to get to the ministry so I do. Once I'm there they bring me to a room with Bellatrix and a baby in it. I walk over to Bellatrix knowing that the child was the dark lords and Bella brought me here for some reason? The reason immediately registers after she hands the baby to me and tells me to take care of her. This woman put me on the child's birth certificate, didn't she? 

I am then handed a birth certificate and I look at the name: Sakaria Marie Snape. My name is printed where it says the father of the child. We then have to stay while they ask as to why we had a child together when I am not a death eater anymore. Bellatrix suddenly said, "I raped him while he was under the impirius curse." My eyes widen in shock only making her story more believable. The ministry lets me and Sakaria leave.

**1 year later**

Sakaria is now 1 year old and she is very smart for her age, magically so and she is a natural legilimens and she has mastered Oclumency entirely on accident. I watch as Sakaria makes her move on the chessboard "check" she says and I realize I am in fact in check but I have no way out. 

Suddenly someone knocks on the door I go to answer while Sakaria puts away the chess pieces. When I answer the door it is none other than Fenrir Greyback and Thorfinn Rowle. I scramble to run and hide Sakaria having grown attached to her but was body bound and shoved into a magical cage as Fenrir closed the door behind him. Rowle levitates the cage bringing it to the living room. Sakaria is sitting at the table reading a book I'd left there, Advanced Potion Making, she puts down the book as Fenrir begins to turn. Rowle turns to a fox and gets in the cage with me. I scream in anger at the two men as Sakaria is attacked by Fenrir in his wolf form. No, no not my baby girl. I sob as I am forced to watch my daughter being bitten and scratched by a werewolf. He then leaves her alone. I begin to panic even more seeing Sakaria on the floor not moving. No-no-no please be alive Sakaria, please!

The men leave me and Sakaria's house after letting me out. I immediately run to my little girl, I hear her breathing well so I know she will be ok. I heal her and pick her up before going to give her a bath so her hair doesn't get matted with blood. Once I finish I put a nightgown on her before laying her down on the couch so I can watch her while I clean up.

**2 years later on a full moon**

Luckily Fenris only comes here every other full moon because tonight Sakaria hasn't been feeling good and I think I know why. She took to the lycanthropy. Suddenly as the moon rises she shudders and I hold her as she begins to panic. I attempt to calm her down it doesn't work. I am pissed at those bitches for making my princess go through this. Sakaria suddenly turns into a wolf pup and it shocks me, she's a rare type of werewolf, not a normal one. She'll be able to shift whenever she likes and be at full mind on a full moon. Though once she changes back she will have wolf ears and a wolf tail. We will have to figure that out though.
Dumbledore wanted to ask me something tomorrow but I'm going to cancel talking to him because I need to help Sakaria.

 The next morning someone knocks on the door and when I answer it's Dumbledore. I then feel a warmth and arms hugging my leg. I look down into the black and red eyes of my daughter, smiling at the fact she is in not too much pain to walk. I pick her up, Dumbledore's eyes widen as he sees the black wolf ears that blend in with her black hair when she has the ears down but is now obvious. "So this is why you tried to cancel," Dumbledore says smiling at the little girl, who digs her face into my neck shyly. We walk into the house and sit down. Sakaria peeks her head out making the fact that her right eye is actually a really dark red that is almost black while her left eye is black more obvious. She then gets more comfortable in my lap and falls asleep. 

Dumbledore looks at the girl and smiles at us before saying, "I would like to ask if you would come to Hogwarts in order to be the potions professor. If you do I'd be happy to watch your daughter in between classes and I could help her with her ah furry little problem. I look down at the girl in my lap and say, "I'd love to be a professor at Hogwarts." Dumbledore smiles and says back to me, "see you September 1st Severus" before apparating out of my house. I smile at Sakaria and say, "you will love it at Hogwarts and I bet you will love Minny and Dumbledore, probably Flitwick too.

**7 years later Sakaria is 10**

Sakaria's P.O.V

Minnie (McGonagall) had a free period so she was watching me for Dad. I know that Voldemort is my biological dad but Snape is my real Dad. Minnie was helping me with my tail because it had escaped from me hiding it, it gets uncomfortable when it's hidden. Once we finish hiding it Dad opens the door to the office and my tail comes out again, wagging. I sigh but then go to Dad. He smiles at me and McGonagall says "and we just got that tail hidden." Dad chuckles and I hide the tail again. McGonagall then says "well at least you are getting better at hiding them. I smile then my ears come out. Dad grabs my hand and I say "bye Minnie" she smiles and says "bye Sakaria". 

As we walk down the hall suddenly there is an explosion, luckily I have my ears and tail hidden. Dad sighs and we walk quickly towards the noise. When we get there there are two boys laughing. They might be the twins Dad has a lot of trouble with. Suddenly one is behind me and picks me up making me screech in surprise. Dad looks towards the noise and says quietly but scarily "put my daughter down right now Weasley." Yup, it's the twins. He sets me down in shock. I guess he never noticed me sitting with the Slytherins. Then that Weasley says "Bloody hell you're light as a feather" Snape then pulls me closer to him before hiding me in his cloak. Oh well, I'm used to Dad's overprotectiveness. "Wouldn't have thought you'd be the father type." The other Weasley says. I sneak out from under Dad's cloak but he grabs my hand so he can know where I am. Stay by my side I hear in my head I know it's Dad because he is both a legilimens and occlumens, I can tell when it's Dad's thoughts. I do as I'm told and the Weasley's both shake my hand and tell me their names. I can sorta tell them apart, Fred's front hair goes to the left and George's hair goes slightly to the right and his eyes are slightly darker than Fred's, also Fred smells like cinnamon and vanilla while George smells like lemongrass and peppermint. Fred was the one who picked me up which is confusing seeing as he's only a couple inches taller than me ok about 4 inches. They are obviously first years and they are in Gryffindor. George studies my face before saying, "now that I know she's your daughter professor I realize she looks a lot like you, same eyes and hair color." I smile at that. 

"Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open"-Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the goblet of fire

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