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When you all got to the club, you were greeted by the familiar sounds of booming music and smell of alcohol and sweat. It was oddly inviting.

Mabel dragged you and Ruth to an empty booth and grabbed a menu.

"So whatchya' guys want?" She passed the menu towards you. Taking it in your hands, you scanned the menu, not really seeing anything you wanted to eat.

"I think I'll pass this time." You handed the menu to Ruth, who took it clumsily.

After they ordered their food Ruth and Mabel went to the bathroom. You were left by yourself at the table, drumming your fingers along to the music. 

Sometime when they come back, the food arrived and it's what you would expect for club food. It looked a bit greasy and unappetizing, luckily for you, you weren't left disappointed.

You told them you were going to hang around the dance floor and enjoy the music. They nodded and you walked away into the crowd of intoxicated and probably drugged young adults. The music was loud and booming, your surprised your ears weren't bleeding yet. 

Deciding to stand near one of the walls, you survey the room. It was crowded for a Friday night, some people were sitting at booths and just chatting away but most were either on the dance floor or at the small bar area getting wasted.

Your eyes land on a table that was closer to you in the back. There were two people there, a woman and a man. The guy was situating some lines of white powder and the woman was looking around while tapping her fingers to the music. She seemed hyper and restless.

At some point you spaced out and when you came-to, you saw her looking at you. You quickly looked away and walked back to your friends.

When you got to the table, Ruth was humming to the music. You didn't see Mabel  anywhere. Sitting down, you took a sip from a glass of water.

"Ruth, where did Mabel go?" You asked.

"To tha' bathroom. She'll be back soon!" She giggled a bit and leaned over the table. Somehow you felt like she was a bit more wasted than before.

Relaxing a bit since you knew where your other friend was, you lean back and yawn. You were getting tired from this busy party night. You grabbed Ruth's drink with slight protest from her. You told her that she had enough and you didn't want her to puke on you on the taxi ride home.

Taking a sip on the drink you survey the crowd again. Your table was towards the front of the club. You wouldn't want to wrestle through bodies of people to get outside while guiding a drunk Ruth. You learned that the hard way.

While looking through the crowd, you saw the two people earlier heading to the bar. The man with her, you noticed had a black jacket with a somewhat big and fluffy looking colar. He also wore a pink fedora. The woman spotted you again, and you looked away once she pointed towards your direction.

(??? PoV 1st person)

After having some lines, I lean back in my seat and sigh. Work is stressful and I don't enjoy it at all. Though what choice do I have? At lease my sister makes it bearable.

I look over her way and she was looking at something, though when I looked in the same direction, no one was there. 

"Hey Molls' whatchya' lookin' at?" I asked her, confused. She looked at me and giggled a bit.

"I thought I saw someone starin' at us is all!" She said, drumming her fingers on the table. I nod and dust off the table a bit. 

Why would someone be staring at us though? Haven't they seen someone from the mob before? Though to be fair they would probably recognize our father rather than us.

After awhile we got up to walk to the bar for some drinks. I had to make sure Molly wouldn't get lost in the crowd so I held her hand. I know she can hold her own, she was born into this family after all. But I didn't need her high ass causing a scene.

When we reached the bar, both of us sat down and ordered our drinks. I took some strong beer and she ordered a martini of some kind. We started talking about what kind of pranks we could pull off on our brother. 

She spins in her seat laughing then she stops, and points at someone.

"Look! That's tha' person who I saw earlier!" She told me. 

I turned around to look and saw a table across from us with two girls, one was clearly wasted and the other had her eyes focused on her drink, either deep in thought or embarrassed. She did look kinda pretty with her (h/l), (h/c).

Molly looked at me and giggled. I side-eyed her and then turned around. 

"What's so funny?"

"Do you like her Anthony~?" She teased. I shook my head.

"What?! No! I haven't even met her Molls'! How could I like someone I haven't even met!" i turned around facing my drink and took a swig of it, trying to ignore what she had just said.

"Oh come on! You have to admit she's cute!" She pestered. I laughed.

"If you think she's cute, then ask her out yourself!" I took another drink and belched. She was kind of pretty though, I'll admit that. But not to her face.


Just a small reminder that this story will have more swearing/provocative language, drug use and abuse

And do not do drugs! (I do not condone those actions, it's just for story purposes!)


Forbidden Affair (AngelDust x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang