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A few days passed and you still could remember the man and woman from the club. Some of the night was fuzzy, so you wondered if you actually saw them at all. 

Today you decided to visit downtown for some shopping, you needed some new, non-party clothes to wear. Most of your wardrobe contained party dresses and clothes that didn't fit you anymore.

It was busy and active downtown as normal, the atmosphere was oddly comforting. It would be strange to see empty streets during this time of day. You walked into a clothing store and start looking around after one of the staff there greeted you.

You occasionally heard the door bell jingle, indicating people entering or leaving the shop. You make a mental note to yourself that you should go out more often during the day sometimes rather than just at night with your party friends. It would be a nice change.

While going through some casual dresses, you pick a few out that looked nice and you could afford. Moving to the shirts, you heard some idle conversation from some people. You didn't bother to eavesdrop, you have no reason to snitch in other peoples lives. 

Though the voices seem faintly familiar. 

You pick a few shirts and pants and go to the check stand to pay for your items. Handing the items over the counter, the two voices from earlier came closer. It seemed like they were doe here too.

Once the cashier handed the bag of clothes to you after payed, you went out of the store. You thought about getting some new shoes as well, but remember that you had plenty already. Arguably, you have more shoes than clothes.

You spotted a bench by a fountain nearby. Relaxing to the cool air, you scanned the people around you, seeing chatty girls and groups of friends hanging out.

After your small relaxing moment, you went to the corner of the street to wave down a taxi. After a bit of failed attempts, you got bumped into, making you stumble forward and dropping your bag. 

"Would ya' watch where ya' standin'?!" The man called. You heard another voice try to calm the man down, he just grumbled.

You looked up, making eye contact with the guy who bumped into you. You recognized him, and the woman next to him. They were in the club the other night while you were there. The man looked like he's seen better days.

Apologizing, you picked up your stuff and walked across the street, signalling for a Taxi to go home.

(Anthony PoV 1st person)

I watched as the woman I bumped into crossed the street. She looked familiar but I couldn't remember where I've seen her. 

Molly nudged me to continue walking so I did. 

"Hey, do you recognize her from somewhere?" I asked my sister. She glanced back and nodded.

"She's from the club, remember?" 

I thought about it for a minute. I barely remember looking at a woman with pretty (h/l) , (h/c) hair. Could've that been her? 

Probably not, there are tons of people in this god forsaken city, it could've been anyone.


a short-ish chapter. Sorry it took forever to update!
I will be updating this more frequently as well as an upcoming story~
Stay tuned!


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