Night out

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You just finished getting dressed in your clubbing outfit when you heard a knock at your door. It must be your friends picking you up.

Opening your door, you see two of your friends waiting for you. You smile at them and grab your purse on the way out.  Your friend Ruth called up a taxi. When it came, you all went in and made your way to the city.

~~Small time skip into the city~~

You all got out of the taxi and Ruth thanked the driver, blowing a kiss his way. You shook your head, wondering why she had to flirt with nearly every guy she talked to.

Your other friend, Mabel, pointed to a bar a few feet ahead of you guys and you follow her inside the bar. 

Inside smelled like booze and strong alcohol. It was a bit crowded too, you stayed as close to Ruth as possible. You all find a seat at the bar and you notice Ruth scanning the crowd for possible bait. 

"Why don't you save your man hunting for the club Ruth?" You said after you ordered a drink. All she did was shrug.

"I'm just looking for a guy to hook up with is all (Y/n), no harm done~" She waved down the bartender to order herself a drink. The tender slid your drink across the table, stopping in front of you. You looked up to thank him and he winked at you. You couldn't help but chuckle. Ruth looked at you, slightly glaring.

"Why is it that whenever I flirt, no one pays attention, but all you have to do is just sit there and be pretty!" She huffed. You heard Mabel laughed at her comment.

"Maybe because she has more natural charm than you do Rue." She replied, causing Ruth to glare at her intensely. 

"It's just not fair!" She pouted.

You spent the rest of the time chatting with Mabel while Ruth was still trying to get guys to notice her. Once the three of you finished your drinks, You and Mabel felt buzzed while Ruth was a bit more on the drunk side. She was giggling a lot.

"Let's go to the club!" Mabel exclaimed, taking you two by the wrist and dragging you out of the bar. You hastily grabbed a 20 dollar bill out of your wallet and slam it on the table before you were carried away. 


Hello! Welcome to another x Reader! Had this idea for a bit, but I was caught up in my other stories I didn't want to post one so soon. Well now here it is and I'm sorry the introduction is short, but there will be a follow up chapter soon. And future chapters will be longer!
Also note: This story may or may not be updated as the other two I haven't decided yet. 


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