Chapter One

Mulai dari awal

"Oh, these cookies are divine!" Linda chimed as she slowly chewed the nasty dessert. She was pulling off a face that, with years of training, Y/n clearly recognized as hidden disgust. Like always, though, her mother fell for it.

"Oh, thank you, dear! I just love making treats with less fattening products." She said. Y/n couldn't help notice her mother glancing over at her, and suddenly she felt like throwing up her lunch.

"Oh, you poor kids are probably feeling dull, huh? Token, why don't you show the new girl around to your room?" His father suggested. Token's sour face finally melted a little as he looked up at her. She blinked at him for a second until he let out a sigh.

"Yes, sir." He said, seeming a little relieved to finally be allowed to move. He got up and started walking towards his stairs. Y/n quickly set her cup down and got up to follow him.

"This is our $6,000 ugly painting. This is my Dad's stupid tennis trophy, this is my Mom's $20,000 vase that has a dead person inside it." He bluntly pointed to objects around his hallway. He opened a door that lead to his big room. He had a king sized bed with dark blue sheets.

"This is my room. I use to have a race car bed, but that's baby stuff I guess." He shrugged, putting his hands in his jean pockets.

"Uh... cool..." Y/n finally piped up. He turned and looked at her, looking a little surprised. She crossed her arms as his eyes trailed her body, which made her feel very uncomfortable. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"So, uhh... where are you from again?" He asked, averting his gaze as he leaned against his bed.

"Oh. Lots of different places. My last town was in Wyoming, though." She said.

"Oh. That's... cool..." He said in an uninterested  tone.

"Oh... not really," she laughed, "I've lived in much nicer places. Chicago, Kansas City, Los Angeles. I was born in America, but, actually, I lived in Germany for a majority of my childhood." She explained.

"Oh... Oh! That explains why you have a little accent!" He smiled.

"Yeah, I guess. It's fading..." She shrugged, "Ich spreche aber immer noch fließend Deutsch."

(I'm still fluent in German, though.)

"Woah. Cool. Yeah, for a second I thought you were adopted or something." He said.

"No!" She giggled, "At least... not that I know of." They both shared a chuckle.

"So uh... how do you like South Park so far?" He asked.

"Oh... I'm not sure. My Dad says it'll be our permanent home, so I guess I have to get use to it. Right now, it seems pretty... quaint." She shrugged.

"Well... you're gonna learn quick that it really isn't." He laughed.

"What do you mean?" She giggled nervously.

"You wouldn't believe it, but a lot of really weird stuff happens here." He said.

"Like what?" She furrowed her brows with a playful smile. He just shrugged at her.

"A lot of weird stuff."

"Token, Y/n." Linda knocked before peaking her head in.

"Your parents are heading to the White's house, honey. And Token, your friends just came to the door asking about you. You can go hang out now, okay?" She told him.

"Aw, yes!! Thanks Mom!" He threw his gear back on in record speed and grabbed his helmet, "Later, Y/n!" He said before dashing past his mother.

"Nice meeting you!" She called as she heard his cleats thump down the stairs. His mom guided her back to her parents.

Flawed :||: Kyle Brofloski x Reader :||: South Park FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang