Chapter 8

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(-And I oop:
This beautiful picture isn't mine. It belongs to HonestlyPrettyChill.)

Next day...

I woke up with a huge headache. I got out of bed and wanted to ask Matt if he had any painkillers.

*knock, knock*

"Hey Pidge, come in."

"Matt do you have any painkillers? My head hurts so much."

Then he got closer to me, making his chair go the distance to where he was going. Of course, the nerd was working on architecture plans. The blue prints were awfully obvious.

I told Matt not to overwork himself again.

"Something's off." He said while squinting to my face.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Wait- your eye! What happened to it? Did you finally get contacts?"

What was he talking about?

"Matt, what are you talking about? My eyes are definitely not identical or maybe it ..." I started to mumble.

"About what? Did this happen before?" Matt asked with a concerned look.

Did I really have any other choice to tell him?

"Yeah... I found out yesterday... in the morning my eye hurt so bad... then poof... My other eye was brown."

Matt looked concerned (more than usual) and he looked curious.

"Pidge... do you know what this means?"

"I-I don't know. Is it supposed to be that important?"

At this point I felt overwhelmed. Millions of questions popped into my head. Why did this happen? And what can I do to keep this happening?

"You're soulmate is near you. Fate wants to pull you guys in." Matt said while holding my wrists and looking at me upwards.

"Pidge, what would you do if you met your soulmate for the first time?" He asked quietly.

"I-I don't know,'' I stuttered, hands shaking, lips quivering.

"Pidge, it's okay not to know but you have to face things eventually."

I was scared. Like something in my stomach was telling something was up.

Maybe fate?..

My face got warm.

Was it always hard to breathe when I talked or thought of my soulmate?

-No! I can't get sidetracked with stupid emotions.

"Come on, Pidge. I'll get the painkillers. But I need to go to the pharmacy for more."

He motioned me to follow him.

"Uh Matt, I'm still in my pjs?" I quietly said, breaking the silence.

"Oh yeah. Just change quickly so we can leave." He said awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head.


~Quick time skip~

We got out of the door and Rosa approached us. She looked semi-ok. Was she going to talk to us?

"Hey Katie. Would you like to babysit my kids for a bit of money?" She asked.

She looked exhausted. Maybe her kids did that to her?

Her hair disheveled. She looked like she hasn't slept for about 3 days.

"Uh-sure? When do I have to do this?" I asked, my brother going into the car.

Was it a curse after all?(Voltron Plance High school AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant