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I'm very sorry for keeping you waiting. I'll post on Monday. I really dislike people making stories and posting that they'll stop or when they'll need time(To make myself clear, I'm okay with people explaining, that yes, they'll keep posting and everything just not very frequently. But I don't like how this becomes the chapters that are more usual than the actual story itself.) I'll try to post as often, but don't worry or don't get angry if I post on a later date than I promised. I won't guarantee that this will be the first and last notice on my uploading schedule but I'll try not to do it so frequently.

So anyway, the Coronavirus aka Covid-19. This virus has definitely changed my perspective of life and changed many aspects of my life events. For example, I was supposed to go to Mexico for family events and we planned so much. I am not angry. I understand things happen and that sometimes I just need to deal with them and not make a fuss over them. I also got a week off of school. There technically was supposed to be school this week and then two weeks off as "Spring Break" but I basically have a whole month without school. And this should've made me write more. The thing is I don't write on Wattpad. (Well I'm currently using this as to writing this update) I write on Google Docs as a draft and I full proof the reading while I'm copying and pastying it to Wattpad. So please don't think I'm doing nothing with this story. I've already got it planned but Docs is making it hard Syncing all my updates on the new chapters of the story so I'll probably take a long time. But I do think Monday will be my due date. I might post before or after Monday.

So the only thing that's really gonna change in the story is:
So it was introduced that Pidge will have to go to "Prom" but I'll make this Homecoming because there is some schools where only seniors can attend this event. And it'll make this plot very important sooner.
Pidge and the other students will not stay in the 2nd year of High school. I'll try to make this clear in later parts of the story but it'll make a crucial part in the plot later on.
I'll be making a story puzzle that'll be finished when this story is too.

I hope all of you can understand that I was and still am overwhelmed about a lot of personal stuff in my life. I'll try to post as soon as possible but please don't feel entitled to have a fresh new chapter of the story. I'm a living and breathing human being and I do get stressed with dead lines.

I hope you can understand! 👋
(I also found a very good name for me. I'm nonbinary(I use He/him or They/Them pronouns) Daniel Victoria is a name that isn't mine but for the sake of not exposing my REAL name I'll say that's my dead name. I chose a name that I think makes me happy and less disphoric : Min. I think Min is a name that I've always wanted to be called but was too shy to talk to people about it. Heck, some people still don't know I'm Bisexual/Aromantic/Nonbinary. I'm always putting people first (including emotions) instead of me so I gotten used to people calling me the wrong pronouns on purpose or when people just down right say "so you're not using she/her pronouns? I'll just call you 'it". It is rude and very difficult to communicate with people like that. I also hope you can understand that I am part of the LGBTQ+ community. Please do not use homophobic language in any of my stories. I understand people have opinions, but please respect mine and understand that this is who I am.

(Oh! And if any of you Oofuri(Big Windup!) fans are reading my story, I absolutely love Mihashi! I used to be like this and still am struggling to try to come out of my shell, so I hope I can grow within this series. I also love Abe! I can tell he's been going through some stuff and he has a different coping mechanism from Mihashi. I do ship these two but even in a nonshipping point I still love this duo!!!!) I honestly recommend this Anime/Manga to people, if you hate sports anime, maybe this isn't your cup of tea, but if you are open minded about new experiences, I really recommend watching/reading the series!

Enjoy your day/night!~
🌟Min out!🌟

Abe= black haired boyMihashi= looking like gay panic

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Abe= black haired boy
Mihashi= looking like gay panic

Was it a curse after all?(Voltron Plance High school AU)Where stories live. Discover now