Chapter 2

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(Again, I'm so sorry for forgetting to post at the time I was supposed to do. I'll be posting a new chapter every Saturday.)

"Hey, Are you from tennessee because you're the only ten I see." He somehow tried to flirt with her?

"Actually, she's from the UK and moved here in middle school." Keith replied still looking at his phone, while listening to something.

I tried to hold my laughter because Keith is dense AF. But some giggles got out of my mouth.

"So, I'm not the only one who just moved here. Why don't you show me around Altea high school?"

Why is he still trying to flirt with her. She's dating...

"I'm a cheerleader. The student council president can show you the school."

Why was she bringing me up?

If you hadn't noticed, I'm the student council president.

"Who's that? Is she a hot girl?" The mysterious boy asked.

Bold move, dude.

"Actually, you're looking at her." Allura got out of the way and I was visible to the eye.

He had dark brown hair and two matching dark blue eyes.

Welp! He definitely isn't my soulmate. I could never get a soulmate that handsome.

I felt my face heating up.

"Hello, Miss. President."

How was I getting so flustered around this one boy?

"Um- maybe get to school early and I can show you your classes tomorrow."

Keith and Allura noticed that slight slip up from my mouth.

I felt a very sharp pain through my blue eye. I winced in pain.

"I'll be back." I said and ran to the bathroom.

"Is she okay?" Allura asked.

"She's probably on her period. Again, I'm so sorry for ruining your cushion." Keith said while looking up from his phone.

"Emo", the brown haired boy muttered.

Here I was talking to myself.

"Shit! Why does it hurt so much!" I was at the point of crying.

Then I remembered my peanut butter milkshake and mustered all of my courage and walked back to our corner.

"Keith, if you're listening to 'Welcome to the Black Parade' I swear I'll kick your ass."

After we ate our food, the boy gave me a piece of paper. I looked down at the paper.

It said:

"Hey cutie! The Name's Lance. Here's my number: (XXX)XXX-XXXXX"

I walked out of the parlor with a red blush on my face.

"Pidge, you're a fucking tomato. What are you thinking about? What did that guy give you anyways?"

I muttered in shock.

"What?" He couldn't even hear me, that's how low I was muttering.

"He gave me his fucking number! This is the first time a boy has ever gave me their number or did anything for me!" I was breathless.

"I gave you my phone number. And the reason why you don't get love confessions is that I'm telling people we're dating. My little sister can't get a boyfriend"

Why would Keith hide this? Why am I okay with the idea of being taken?

"Keith, you know I already have a soulmate. What if people start asking questions?" I was starting to get worried about rumors this could start with.

"I'm kidding! Hahaha You actually fell for that? Remember I'm gay!"

"Keith you're a prick", I said while punching his arm.

"Now let's go, Midget sister." He teased.

"Yeah, let's go, Gay emo brother".

We climbed inside the motorcycle. He passed me an extra helmet. I took it. Just when I was going to put it over my head, I saw the same boy, now Lance looking at us.

We drove off.

"So, she's not taken?" Lance said with a chuckle. "Cute."

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! :) 👋

Was it a curse after all?(Voltron Plance High school AU)Where stories live. Discover now