Chapter 7

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"Lance, sit by Pidge. If you have any questions ask her." The professor, Mr. Wimbleton said (if you don't get it, Coran's last name).

Lance got some stares from the boys and the girls.

The girls were complaining about how I didn't deserve a god of beauty like himself.

Nothing I ever do is good enough.

I don't know what the boys were making fun of, but I did see Lotor's face.

He was furious?

Allura once told me, Lotor had a crush on me, but let's be honest, who would fall for me?

They were probably rumors from the girls.

Lance gave me a quick 'Hi' and then didn't look me in the eyes.


The class passed over my head.

Something I heard from the teacher, we needed a partner to study with for the final test of the unit.

Of course, no one picked me.

Who would want a loser like me?

Lunch was right around the corner, like actually. I was walking to the cafeteria.

I quickly scanned for my friends.

I spotted a yellow bandana, a black mullet, and puffy white hair from the crowds of the other students.

Keith got shade for an 80's mullet.

And also about the ...

Hunk got bullied about his weight.

And even though, Allura was considered popular, she was somehow an outcast.

Her white hair was really strange to people, but since she was a popular girl, no one really thought of her as a freak, unlike me. She was also one of the few people who didn't have a soulmate from birth.

I guess we all were all meant to be with each other.

We were all quite lonely without each other.

"Pidge!" Keith yelled from our spot in the cafeteria.

I quickly ran to our table, trying hard not to flash attention to myself.

The day was a mere blur to me, I was more than ready for this surprise Keith was talking about.

I put my binders and folders in my bag and slammed my locker door.

"Hey Katie!~ Do you have a couple of minutes?"

What I thought was Lance, I turned to see Lotor. My smile fading.

"Lotor, can this wait? I am kind of in a rush." I impaintely answered.

What did he need? And what were his intentions?

"I just wanted to say, I like you. Do you reciprocate my feelings?" Lotor said with puppy dog eyes.

What was I supposed to say?

"I-um,"I looked at the floor while stuttering. "Can I have a couple of days to think?"

"Ah, as you wish."

"Yes! Thank you! I'll have until homecoming ."

I ran out of the school halls as fast as I could.

What was I going to do?

The flashbacks flooding my mind.

Lotor and I were lab partners. He was smart and didn't depend on me with the project. In the process, I started becoming his friend. Then... he met Keith.

The worst decision I would've done.

"What took you so long? I swear, one more minute and I'd be turning 30."

Keith stopped leaning on his motorcycle and passed me a helmet.

"Get in, Loser! We're going shopping."

I grabbed the helmet, put it on, then I sat on the passenger seat.

"That quote is from Mean Girls. Any other chick flicks under your sleeve?"

Who was I to judge? I was the one who got him into those chick flicks and reality TV shows.

"Pidge, you were the person who introduced me to those girly things. I got you in the emo stuff. Even took you to see a concert. Just hop on,"

I did as I was told.

The motorbike sped through the streets. My fear easing through my mind.

Keith was my best friend- no- more like a brother, I don't know what to do if he ever goes away.

"Hey Pidge, you ok? You've been staring at the floor for a couple of minutes. We're already here." Keith waved a hand over my eyes to see if I was awake or aware.

"I'm ok, but where are we exactly?" I asked the boy who was removing his helmet.

"It's a secret. I found it while I was hiking."

Keith was the adventurous type, or at least to me.

Sometimes, he trusted me than some of the other friends we have.

Keith was known for being hot headed but what he did was walk around the area to calm himself down.

He only trusted me with that secret.

"Keith, what are you going to show me? Are you going to show me drugs?" I spoke.

I knew Keith wasn't that type of person. But it was funny to see his reaction.

"Just follow me," Keith waved for me to follow, I agreed.

A couple of minutes, we stumbled across vines and willow trees covering a wall. Or at least I thought it was a wall.

Then Keith opened a little pocket of the vines. The other side was empty?

How did no one know that? Couldn't someone else find this spot?

"Pidge, grab my hand and follow. You're in mind town aren't you?" Keith snidely jokes.

We went through the hollow cave, my mouth in awe.

Inside the hollow opening, grass in a place to sit, a little stream visible from the rocks, and if you looked closely, little gems glistened. Beautiful was an understatement.

"Keith, did you keep this to yourself?" I was flabbergasted. This place was like a mermaid den.

"I wanted to show the right person this. Just promise me whenever things get tough go here, ok?" Keith talked like an older brother.

"Yes Keith. So, what would you do in here?" I asked while sitting down on the grass.

"Um I would bring my guitar to sing in here," he seemed embarrassed for bringing his guitar in a quiet place like this.

"This is beautiful. You shouldn't be ashamed for bringing your guitar here. But what I am upset is, you not showing me this place sooner." I reclaimed in a fake frown.

Hey guys! 👋
I may not update as much as I intended to. School is my top priority but I do want to continue this story. If there is any inconvenience I swear I'll tell you guys.

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