The Library

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The next day, I got up early and was ready half an hour earlier than I needed to be. I only had my hair left to do. I was wondering how to style my hair, although it was strange because I never went into so much thought, *I was probably overthinking it but anywho* on how I was going to style my hair. I couldn't quite put my finger on why, but then it dawned on me. Jared. *yeah...well duh* 

I finally decided to do a Katniss-inspired braidI stared at my reflection for a moment, hoping for two things. The first, that I looked alright, and the second, that I didn't lose myself. When I turned around to my bag, I realised that I had completely forgotten about the *oh-so-important* science assessment report that I was supposed to have finished last night for it to be ready to be handed in today. I slapped my forehead. 'Shit. Gotta do it now.'

I quickly planned out what I would do. I grabbed my bag, laptop and charger and left the house. I checked the time on my phone. 7:30 am. I checked the train timings. The next train was at 7:31 so I wouldn't be able to make that *Well no shit* so I would have to wait for the 7:43 train. I only lived five minutes away so I would make it on time anyway. 

I decided to walk there now, although I didn't like walking by myself. I stuck my earphones in and pressed play on my itube playlist. Voodoo Doll by 5 Seconds of Summer started playing and I was immediately in a better mood. It took me half of the song to get to the station. I paused it when I bought my ticket and then played it again when I went onto the platform to wait. 

The next song that came on was Too Close by Alex Clare. I loved this song. It was one of my all-time favourites, even though it had come out a few months ago. I especially loved the techno that came in during the chorus. It made the song powerful in a way. 

You know I'm not one to break promises, 

I don't want to hurt you but I need to breathe.

At the end of it all, you're still my best friend,

But there's something in side that I need to release.

Which way is right?

Which way is wrong?

How do I say that I need to move on?

I know we're heading separate ways,

But I feel like I am just too close to love you.

There's nothing I can really say,

I can lie no more, I can hide no more,

Got to be true to myself.

And it feels like I am just too close to love you,

So I'll be on my way.

You've given me more than I can return,

Yet there's oh-so much that you deserve.

There's nothing to say,

Nothing to do, 

Nothing to give,

I must live without you.

I know we're heading separate ways,

And it feels like I am just too close to love you.

There's nothing I can really say,

I can lie no more, 

I can hide no more,

Gotta be true to myself,

And it feels like I am just too close to love you,

So I'll be on my way,

So I'll be on my way.

And it feels like I am just too close to love you.

There's nothing I can really say,

I can lie no more,

I can hide no more,

Got to be true to myself.

And it feels like I am just too close to love you,

So I'll be on my way,

So I'll be on my way,

So I'll be on my way.

I really loved the song. Just as it finished, the train came. *Coincidence? I think not.* I got on and went to the lower section. At least it was a Tangara train. These were the air condidtioned (a.k.a newer) ones. Although I got train sick on either one, I preferred this one.

I felt hungry again. The problem was that now I couldn't tell if it was the cravings or just natural hunger. I remembered I had earphones in and pressed play on my phone, and Black and Gold by Sam Sparro *an oldie which I love to this day* came on. I mouthed the words as i looked out the window. The golden sun was shining brightly through graffitied window, illuminating the carriage. 

The *doors closing, please stand clear* announcement rang out a few times, but I ignored it. I knew how many stops there were between Bankstown and Lakemba. I got up at Campsie and waited near the doors. Finally, the train came to a halt and I got off. 

'Why does this damn bag have to be so fricking heavy?' I thought, trying to adjust my bag on my back. I walked up the faded, grey stairs and popped into the small confectionary shop to by a few snacks before walking down the stairs to my left. Linger by Guy Sebastian ft. Lupe Fiasco started playing. After a couple of minutes, the lights finally turned green and I walked across the street.

When I reached school, I power-walked to the library, taking a break before walking up even more stairs. I let out a sigh of relief as I reached the top of the staircase. I put my heavy bag down next to the rail and carried my laptop into the library. And then the scent of blood hit me. 

I sniffed in the direction and it lead me to the last people I needed to see, even though I really did want to see one of them in particular. 


Hey everyone! I'm pretty sure you can all guess who the one person in particular is. Anyway, sorry I haven't updated in ages. I've been really busy lately (and i've had a lot of writer's block, like A LOT). Anyways, you should check out Letters by Lanipeet. It's an awesome story and I love it! The link for Linger by Guy Sebastian ft. Lupe Fiasco is in the Media section! P.S. The video picture is from Mama Ain't Proud, but when you click play it goes to the cover of Madness (Guy Sebastian's new Album), and the song is a tad slower than the original as the original audio has not been posted on Youtube. Anyways cya all! Please comment, vote and do all that good stuff!  Ilyasm! 

xx NutellaJar out xx

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