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As soon as I entered my homeroom class, my pupils dilated. 'Not again!' I kept my head down and walked to my homeroom seat. I tried closing my eyes for a few seconds and opened them again. Still nothing. I sat down and unpacked my bag. 'Thank God no one sits next to me in homeroom!' I thought.

My homeroom teacher called the role and then continued with her work. I rummaged through my school bag. 'Come on, where are you?' I dug to the bottom of my bag and finally found it. I had hidden a small plastic bag of leftover meat. 

Suddenly, grotesque images of my nightmares flashed through my head. My barbaric self licking the intestines, Andréa's lifeless body sitting in the chair covered in blood, blood smeared on the walls and floor, everything came back. 

"She's not my sister, she's yours."

I felt like vomiting. I didn't want to remember. I shoved the plastic bag back into the depths of one of the pockets of my heavy bag. I pulled out my drawing book and water colour pencils. I knew i was supposed to use water with water colour pencils, but I preferred not to. And where was I supposed to get water from now anyways?

I opened to a fresh page. I remembered seeing something my friend had drawn earlier in the week. It was a girl, but was defined by triangles and different colours. I decided to do something along those lines.

Before I knew it, I had gotten up to the girl's legs when the bell for first period rang. 'Far out.' Then, I realised my eyes had gone back into their normal focus. 'Maybe they dilated again while I was drawing and I didnt notice. Maybe drawing could help me! No, don't jump to conclusions.'

I packed up my stuff and headed to my first period class. Unfortunately it was maths. My teacher was dumb and never did anything. 'Hopefully, it'll be a bludge.'

But I was scared. What if I had a random spasm and my cannibalistic side attacked or even *gulp* killed someone? 'Just stay positive. Nothing's going to happen. It'll all be fi-' 

My thoughts were interrupted by the most shocking thing I'd seen all day.

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