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My stomach rumbled although i didn't feel hungry. I decided to distract myself by using my laptop but my fingers seemed to have a mind of their own. I typed in signs of cannibalism. I knew some because I was obsessed with it. I clicked on the first link. I wish I never had. My jaw dropped.

'Cannibalism has been around since the dawn of time. It has become more civilised over the years but still remains beastly...' I skipped up to the signs. 'Signs and symptoms include chewing of nails/lips, itching, unstoppable cravings, major change in behaviour, becoming anti-social, uncleanliness and violent spasms.This all leads to the disgusting conclusion of eating flesh and barbaric murders.'

'It must be some kind of coincidence, it has to be,' I thought desperately. I shut my laptop and sat there in shock, letting it all soak in. 'It's just a coincidence.' I kept repeating that. Muttering it to myself. I felt like a broken record. 'It's just a coincidence, it's just a coincidence.'

Eventually I fell asleep, but I wasn't good sleep. i kept waking up from nightmares. First, I dreamed about me looking in the mirror in the bathroom. What I was staring at wasn't my reflection. It wasn't even me. It was a girl, with dirty, dry hair, her face smeared with dark red blood. She kept twitching. She looked nothing like me, except for the eyes. That's what scared me, that that could be me as a cannibal. 

The second dream wasn't any better. In fact, it was probably ten times worse. This time I was in the basement, with an unconcious girl. Blood was splattered all over the walls, and I was covered in it. I ripped her open from her stomach to her pelvis with my bare hands and pulled out her intestines. I started playing with it, pulling it out, covering it with blood.

And then, I licked it. As my tongue slid along the surface of the innocent girl's intestine, I looked at myself. My eyes were bloodshot, and they had turned yellow like cat's eyes. My barbarian self started laughing maniacally. My throat felt dry like I had swallowed cotton. I tried to scream but nothing came out.

Then my barbarian self let the intestines go and came over to me. She licked some of the blood off her arm and offered me some. I couldn't move. "Alright then, I'll take it as a no," she said menacingly. Then she grabbed my throat. It felt like she was ripping my vocal cords out.

I woke up, gasping for air, not believing what I had just dreamt. 'It's just a coincidence,' I reminded myself. 'Or is it?'

Hey everyone! Sorry i've been forgetting to write this at the bottom of each chapter! Hope you liked my newly updated chapter! xD Please leave a comment down below telling me if you enjoyed it! Thank you!

xx Ñütéłłâ Out! xx

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