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'I have to stay away from her. I have to stay away from everyone,' I thought desperately. 'If I don't, i don't want to imagine what will happen.' I grab the mince from the small refrigerator in my room and let myself go wild.

Next thing I knew, my mouth and hands were covered in blood and from what it looked like, I had lacerated the white plastic bag. My stomach lurched. I knew I might never get used to it, but I'd have to try. 'Oh crap, school tomorrow.'

I didn't know how I was supposed to cope.

That night, I had nightmares again. 


I was in a dark room. A bright light appeared in the centre of the room. I realised the room was our basement. There was a chair, with someone tied to it. A girl, a few years older. I could only see her from behind. I walked towards her cautiously. She seemed unconscious. Her head was rolled to one side. She seemed lifeless.

I started to run. I realised the girl was my sister Andréa! When I reached her, I realised that only her hands and feet were tied. She wasn't tied to the chair as I originally thought. Then I saw it.

My mouth felt like i had swallowed cotton. Her white plaid shirt was stained with blood and ripped around her stomach area. Her intestines were hanging out, but there weren't many. I realised that parts of the intestines had been *gulp* eaten. 

I wanted to throw up then and there. I stared at her in horror.

"No...Andréa..." were the only words that escaped my lips.

Suddenly, I tensed up. I could feel someone watching me. Slowly I turned around to come face to face with my barbaric self again. She smiled, showing me her blood-stained teeth. Blood was smeared along her mouth and arms. It had dripped onto her feet. She had a trail of blood leading tomwards her. I hadn't seen it before.

"Care to join me?" she asked, her voice raspy. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I screamed.

"We are actually not that much different, in fact, we are the same person," she was mocking me.

"But you're the barbaric version," I spat.

"I prefer the term primitive, in other words it means that I'm more "in touch" with our ancestors," she smiled a bit too widely.

She started circling around me, like I was prey. 'Murderer,' I thought.

"How could you kill our sister?"

"She wasn't our sister, she was your sister."

That confused me, but before I could respond, she ripped my throat out.

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