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'Meat, you need meat.' That thought continuously played in my mind for the rest of the day. I didn't really pay attention to anyone or anything else. I only focused on my craving, and every second was torture. When the bell for the end of the day finally rang, I ran out of the door. I had already packed my things. Before I knew it I was at the train station.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted Jared. I walked over to him. 

"I thought you took the bus," I said, confused.

"I'm one of the rare cases that can go from either the train or bus," he replied with a smile.

"Oh, okay," I giggled. My stomach let out a silent warning. 'Crap.'

We stood there in a comfortable silence until the train arrived. We both got on at the same time, and I smiled to myself. We sat opposite each other and made polite small talk, especially because we had only really started to acknowledge each other's presence today. 

"So, Liz called you out in music, huh?" I teased. 

"Yeah, I guess so," he smiled with a sort of laugh.

"Guess your voice is too recognisable compared to the other guys in our class," I said and he smirked.

"Guess so, just more noticeable to you," he remarks, a smile playing on his lips.

"Actually, your voice is quite hard to determine on the playground as there are many other guys who I could mistake for you by voice alone," I state, ignoring his growing smile.

"So you do pay attention to me?" he asks, his eyes lighting up like a playful puppy.

"Try not to get too close," I laughed it off, but I meant what I had said. I didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Now that you say that, it makes me want to get even closer," he says. He plops down on the seat beside me and give him my best shocked expression, but end up in an abundance of laughter. I had never felt so happy. It was weird.

"Well, the next stop is for both of us, I'm guessing," I say, looking at him for reassurance.


We both get up and walk up the stairs. We wait together for the train to halt and the doors to open so that we could get off. I tucked a loose curl behind my ear as I glanced at him nervously. Before he could catch me, I looked away, biting my lip. 

'Meat.' That was my only thought now. 

As soon as we got off I quickly explained to him that I had something important to do and hurried off. I felt bad, but I couldn't let him get any closer, even thought I'd only known him for a day. I didn't want to hurt him.

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