Kill of the Night

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Once again, I bought meat, but this time i bought two lamb legs, although I knew it would only last about a day. I knew I wouldn't have enough money to sustain my craving, but it would have to be enough for now.

For some reason, I couldn't get Jared out of my mind. He was...I didn't even know how to describe him. He was funny and he really knew how to keep a conversation going. He was so genuine and shy at times, but he was sweet all the same. I guess I never forgot that about him. 

There was a kindness in this world, one that resonated with me. I guess it was always there, but it wasn't always acknowledged. He was a part of that kindness. He always would be.

When I reached my house, I unlocked the creaky door. I didn't bother to be quiet. As far as I knew, nobody was at home anyways. I dragged the two lamb legs to the kitchen and dumped them onto the table. 'They can't stay in my room, can they?' I had a carpeted floor so I was hesitant. 

I decided to shove it in the basement, because that's where normal people would put it, right? Just kidding! I put it in the basement *wait for it it's gonna sound really cliché but whatever* because no one goes there. *DUN DUN DUN!* But really, my family never used the basement.

After I had dealt with that, I went up to my room to start on some homework, and yes, I was going to procrastinate. 

'Shit!' I thought, slapping the palm of my hand against my forehead. I had forgotten that I had a science assignment due.tomorrow, second period. It was a 600-800 word report *how annoying?* on how an introduced species (of your choice from the given options) effects the ecosystem and foodwebs and etc in the ecosystem that they were introduced to. It was partly group work but I barely relied on what my group gave me, even though it was solid work.

I went up to my room and closed the door, automatically reaching for my Ipod and turning up the music. Almost immediately, Outside by Calvin Harris ft. Ellie Goulding started to play. I really loved this song, and it was new. I don't know what it was, but there was something about it that made it so special to me. 

I'd gotten up to the fourth component of my assignment while listening to music. I guess it wasn't such a distraction after all. *Shocker, I know! I was actually getting some work done!*

I typed away at my keyboard, focusing completely on my work, and occasionally sining along to the music. It changed from Steal My Girl by One Direction to Gold by Sam Sparro to Kill of the Night by Homestuck  - Snowman & Slick. Kill of the Night effected me straight away.

My cold desire, to hear the boom, boom, boom of your heart. The danger is I'm dangerous and I might just tear you apart, oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm gonna get ya, I'm gonna get ya, get ya, oh, oh, oh. I wanna taste the way that you bleed, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Now, you're mine, but what do I do with ya boy? I'll take ya heart, to kick around as a toy. The danger is I'm dangerous and I might just tear you apart, oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm gonna get ya, I'm gonna get ya, get ya, oh, oh, oh. I wanna taste the way that you bleed, oh, oh, oh, oh. I'm gonna catch ya, I'm gonna get ya, get ya, oh, oh, oh, I wanna taste the way that ya bleed, oh, oh, oh, oh.

The part that spoke out to me the most was the bridge and the last chorus.

This is a bad town, for such a pretty face,

This is a bad town, for such a pretty face, 

This is a bad town, for such a pretty face,

This is a bad town, for such a pretty face, 

This is a bad town, for such a pretty face,

This is a bad town, for such a pretty face, 

This is a bad town, for such a pretty face,

This is a bad town, for such a pretty face,

Oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm gonna get ya, I'm gonna get ya, get ya, oh, oh, oh. I wanna taste the way that you bleed, oh, oh, oh, oh. I'm gonna catch ya, I'm gonna get ya, get ya, oh, oh, oh, I wanna taste the way that ya bleed, oh, oh, oh, oh. 

You're my kill of the night.

As soon as the song started, my craving called out to me. I sang along to every word, and with each word a new spark of hunger ignited. When the song finished, I knew I shouldn't have but I paused the song, and put it on repeat. Then I let it play, over and over again, distracting me from my *oh-so-important-science-assignment-that-was-due-the-next-day-on-introduced-species-and-food-webs-and-changes-and-shit* task.

The strange thing was, the song not only awakened my craving, but it blocked my mind from thinking of anyone but Jared.


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in ages but I've been really busy and stuff has been going on. I'm doubting the continuation of this story because I feel like it's getting boring but I'm not sure so let me know what you think in the comment section below. (It really helps.) And If you're a bit confused as to why I changed the chapter up a bit, it's because I wanted you to see the less dark side of Chlöe and I hope you don't mind it. Let me know if you don't like it and I'll change it back to how it originally was or if you want me to keep it this way. Anyways, please vote and comment and do all that good stuff. Oh and I put the video for Kill of the Night by Homestuck - Snowman & Slick in the media section so go ahead and check it out! 

Bye and ily!

xx NutellaJar out xx

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