"Diana... I think you're overreacting a little, dear..." she mumbled.

"I am not overreacting!! This is my daughter, and you're turning into- into- some disgusting creature! She's already messed up enough, what with her freakish mental outbursts! We're trying to correct her, not fucking ruin her even more!!" Her mother screamed. Ariel had nothing to say. Diana squeezed Y/n's wrist and came close to her face.

"Look at you, little miss piggy! You just needed ever last little cookie, didn't you?!" She yelled. Y/n's eyes filled with tears.

"Mrs. Huckabee, please-"

"Ariel, you're fired!" She snapped.

"M-Mrs. Huckabee, I-I-" Ariel was shocked.

"You! Little miss Piggy, you're getting on a dietary program tomorrow. You're losing this weight, and you will be my perfect sized little girl. Go up to your room, and don't even think about asking for dinner!!" She screamed. Y/n ran to her bedroom bawling her eyes out. She threw herself on her bed and began to do her calming exercises. As she tried to control her emotions, her room lights began to flicker. She took in some long, deep breathes. After a while she finally fell asleep.

~•About One Year Later•~

Y/n stepped on the scale, as she had every week for the past 9 months of her life. The numbers flickered on the screen, landing at 25 kilograms.

"Well, look at that, Miss Pi-"

"Diana." Her father interrupted her Mother's cruel nickname. She gazed at him for a moment before looking back at her.

"Great job, Y/n." She nodded, folding her hands out in front of her.

"Yes, wonderful job indeed, honey! You reached your goal weight!" Her father clapped his hands. Y/n didn't say a word. She stared blankly down at the number between her tiny feet.

"That's nearly ten kilos since last year. I'm impressed with your dietitian." Her mother nodded in approval.

"Now, Y/n, you're still a growing girl. A healthy weight for next year will be about 27 kilos! So don't worry too much, okay?" Her father patted her head before he walked off. Y/n let out a long sigh as she stepped off the scale.

"Next year, Y/n. Try not to gain that weight back in a day, huh?" Her mother instructed before placing a kiss on her head. She followed her father out of the room.

~•Two Years Later•~

"Drew, honey, help me lift my bag, will you dear?" Diana said, dragging her fifty pound bag to their first-class seats. Her husband sighed as he tossed the bag into the compartment above their heads.

"I don't see why you couldn't have left these things with the hundreds of other boxes we're taking with us." He complained.

"Oh, honey, these are my most precious clothing garments and make-up! I don't want it getting lost with all of our furniture!" She told him.

"I suppose not," He rolled his eyes, "You forget, dear, that we have insurance covering every item on this plane."

"Oh, hush, it's one piece of luggage. You're lucky they didn't let us bring my other four bags. I need to have something to keep me distracted while you're off at war for the next year and a half-" She insisted.

Flawed :||: Kyle Brofloski x Reader :||: South Park FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now