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(A/N this is when the werewolves were new to the school.)


Addison flounced down the hall with her new plaid pink miniskirt.  She had gotten it just for today. The entire school was decorated for Valentine's day. Addison loved Valentine's day. It was her favorite holiday. It was especially exciting this year because it was her first Valentine's day with Zed! That was exactly why she had gotten this skirt. It made her feel good and it looked good. Hopefully, Zed would notice!


"Zoe!" Zed yelled running into his room horrified, "I told you not to eat those!"

"I couldn't resist!" Zoe complained with a mouth full of chocolates, "You know that I can't help myself when chocolate is involved!"

"Whatever," Zed said stressed, "I'll just buy some later! Did the flowers come?"

"No," Zoe said shaking her head.

"It's 7:05, they should have been here 30 minutes ago!" Zed said shaking his head and checking his watch, "Great! Now I'm late for school, and I don't have flowers for Addison!"

Zed grabbed his receipt from the florist. 

"NO!" he yelled, "I WROTE THE WRONG ADRESS!" 


"WHO ORDERED ROSES?" Willa yelled over the chaos of the werewolves trying to get ready for school.

"It's Valentine's day, it could have been anyone," Wyatt said trying to find a culprit.

"Just take them and give them to someone." Willa said shoving them into her brother's arms, "I've got work to do."

"Who do you want me to give them to?" Wyatt yelled after his sister who was storming off.

"Give them to the cheerleader who you think is the alpha. Maybe it'll coax some information out of her!" Wyatt shook his head and looked down at the red roses. 


Addison flounced around the corner of a hallway just to bump into Wyatt. 

"Hey!" she said giving him a bright smile.

"Hey," he said back smiling back down at her. She spotted red roses in his hand.

"Who are those for?" Addison asked.

"You, I guess," Wyatt said offering them to her,  Addison laughed, 

"That's so sweet!" she exclaimed accepting them. Wyatt laughed too,

"I guess, see you, I gotta get to second period." Addison watched Wyatt leave before turning to the roses. They were very pretty and smelt so nice!

"Addison!" Zed said skidding down the hallway, "HappyValentine'sDay!" He shoved a bundle of dandelions into her face.

"Oh!" she said taking the already wilting flowers from her boyfriend, "How...lovely!"

"Yeah," Zed said spotting the red roses in her hand, "Where'd you get those roses?"

"Oh! these?" she asked looking down at the bundle of flowers in her arm, "These are from Wyatt!"

"Wyatt?" he asked confused,

"Yeah! Wyatt," she said placing the red roses carefully into a vase of water in her locker, "You know, the werewolf that's Willa's brother."

"Him?" Zed asked, " he gave you red roses?"

"Yeah," Addison said turning to place the dandelions into another smaller vase, "Wasn't that nice of him?" Zed opened his mouth to respond, but then realized that he had completely first period with no excuse!

"Zed?" Addison asked turning around to face her boyfriend, "Zed?" The zombie boy was gone racing to get to his first-period class to try to explain to the teacher. Addison frowned. Not exactly the Valentine's day treatment she was expecting from her boyfriend, but who knows, maybe it was some kind of zombies custom! 

"Hey," Wyatt said coming up to Addison, "You wanna walk to class together?"

"I guess," Addison said reluctantly. Wyatt grinned. He had come back to retrieve the right books from his locker and decided it was a good idea to try to walk Addison to class on the way. The werewolf boy and the cheerleader began to walk to class together.

"I like your skirt by the way," Wyatt complimented her. Addison smiled a little, 



I got a bit of inspiration from the clip above! Plus how ironic is it that Milo played a character that is involved in a love rift between Meg's character and her boyfriend. Plus Milo's character's name is Pearce. Like, hello? 


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