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I had no idea what was happening. One second I was watching Zed give his presidential speech, the next I'm watching werewolves flood the room. 

"There she is!" One yelled pointing to me, "Give us the stone blondie."

"I think you have the wrong person," I said clutching my hair. The werewolves prepared to attack, but one werewolf boy hissed something to a werewolf girl that seemed to be the leader.

"Werewolves, fall back." She ordered. She turned to the crowd and smiled.

"Sorry." She laughed, "We just admired your town so much we wanted to join." A murmur of confusion swept through the crowd, but I just smiled. Just like the zombies! They wanted to be accepted as they were.

"In that case," I said stepped out of the crowd and shaking my pom-poms, "Welcome to Seabrook!" The werewolves smiled. 

"I'm Addison," I said reaching my hand out to whoever would shake it. The werewolf boy from before reached out and shook my hand. He smiled at me showing his fangs. He smelt nice. Like smoke from burning fire. He had a short sleeve purple hoodie with a black and white vest with some fur on top. He had on black jeans and ratty sneakers. On his neck was a small fang necklace, and he had a bit of white in his black hair. I looked down at our hands. Mine was a lot small compared to his, and his long claws were black. Black tattoos adorned his arms and one was on his face. His brown eyes stared back at me. 

"Ok then," I heard behind me. Zed appeared in front of me facing the werewolf boy. 

"Welcome welcome and welcome to you! I'm Zed, (hopeful) presidential runner. With me as president, we can change Seabrook for the better-" Zed looked down at me and the werewolf boy's hand. We were still holding hands. Zed grabbed our wrists and separated our hands.

"-and you can help that happen!" The other werewolves didn't seem impressed. The werewolf girl who I guessed to be the leader rolled her eyes and began walking away

Bucky and the rest of the cheer team laughed. 

"Oh please." He said wiping his eyes, "Do it like the Zombies do? Absolutely not. My name is Bucky, the real future president." He did his jazz hands and smiled really wide. Suddenly the bell rang and everyone scrambled to get to lunch. When I sat down at my table, Bree was already there waiting for us. She was doing her homework. 

"Hey, Addison!" She exclaimed when she saw me.

"Hey Bree. Whatsup?"I said sitting down.

"Nothing much, but I'm kinda scared of the werewolves." She said nervously.

"Oh, you shouldn't be. Remember when you first met Bonzo? You were sooo scared of him. Now you two are dating!"

"I guess" Bree said blushing at the memory. Suddenly the doors slammed open and the werewolves came walking in. One of them came to our table. She sniffed Bree's homework before shoving it into her mouth.

"Hey! That dog just ate my homework!" Bree complained.

"Wynter." The leader werewolf girl came out of nowhere. The one named Wynter spat out Bree's homework.

"OK blondie, where is it?" The leader girl asked giving me a death glare.

"Where is what?" I asked.

"The moonstone. Where is it?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about," I say getting a little nervous. The leader girl growls, but the lunch period ends and I run out the door to library. As I clutch a pile of books and walk along I spot the werewolf boy from before. He's holding his book upsidedown. I pass him, but then walked back and clear my throat. I take his book and turn it back right side up. We both laugh a little. 

"So, how's your first day going so far?"I asked.

"Pretty good." He replied flashing me a smile and exposing his fangs again. 

"I never learned your name," I said smiling. 

"Wyatt." He said, "Addison right?"

"Yeah!" I said happily.

"That's great!" He paused, "So you don't know where the moonstone is?" 

"No..." I said hesitantly. He smiled. 

"No biggie."

"Yeah," I said laughing awkwardly.

(a/n this was such a cute scene in the movie! The way he looks at her at 0:06 and 0:07 is so cute. And 0:49...)

 I turned around and walked away. Now it was getting a little weird. I stayed relatively far away from the wolves for the rest of the day. At the end of the day, I grabbed my cheer stuff and headed over to the gym for practice. 

(a/n ok, but like can we talk about 2:05?)

Call to the Wild///Waddison fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora