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I sighed as I practically floated into the dinner. I was meeting a few friends if mine from Riverside which was a school a few hours from Seabrook. There were Mia and  Rocky who were one year older than me, and Nini who was one year younger than me. It was a chilly spring night and it was 2 weeks after Prawn. Zed and I had almost broken up several times, and I was planning to break up with him in a week. We just weren't the same anymore. 

"Hey girl," Mia said nodding at me as I slid into a booth.

"How are you guys?" I asked them smiling.

"Well," Rocky said putting her napkin down, " Peter just got a really cool internship, so I've been driving him everywhere." We all laughed. 

"My mom and I have this annoying neighbor we've been trying to get rid of for like ever.," Mia admitted looking over at Nini.

"Oh you know, the usual. Ricky complaining that he doesn't want to go to theater camp with me."

"He'll cave." Mia Rocky and I said at the same time. We all laughed again. Suddenly the waiter appeared out of nowhere.

"What would you like to order?" he asked. Rocky ordered curly friend, Mia a hamburger, and Nini and I got sodas. We were surprised when the waiter came back instantly with our orders. 

"Good service," Rocky said impressed.

"So what about you?" Nini asked me sipping her soda.

"Any tea?"Mia questioned. I hesitated. I didn't really want to mention Zed...

"There must be good news. You practically skipped into the dinner." Rocky interrupted my thoughts. Wyatt. Just the thought of the tall lanky werewolf boy made my stomach churn. He was the sweetest thing, and he seemed to always be there for me. He was an amazing guy... not to mention his body...

"Well?" Mia asked.

"Well..." I said thoughtfully;

Call to the Wild///Waddison fanficWhere stories live. Discover now