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Addison looked out her window. It was a cool summer night and the heat of the air was brushed away by the cool breeze. She took her long hair out of the braid that it was in and let it blowback in wavy locks. Suddenly she heard a rustle from the bushes. She whipped around to see Wyatt right below her window.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed. Her parents were going to kill him if they found him. Literally kill him. 

"I came to see you," he said casually perching on her window sill.

"My parents are here. They are literally going to kill you if they find you here." Wyatt smirked, 

"If they find me." 

"Look, Wyatt, you're a great guy and all, but I have a boyfriend." Wyatt's smile disappeared. 

"Yeah, shoulda known," he said trying to hide his disappointment. 

"I'm sorry." She said sadly. Wyatt looked around her room until his eyes landed on a copy of 'Romeo and Juliet'. 

"Tragic love story," Wyatt said nodding to the novel, "Two people who shouldn't be fall in love. Violent parents, cheating, death, love..." Wyatt paused, "A balcony scene..." Addison laughed, 
"I didn't write you off as a Shakespear guy."

"Yeah well, I guess there's a lot we don't know." 

"Addison," a call came from downstairs, "Who are you talking to?"

"Noone, " the girl quickly called downstairs. 

"I'm guessing that's my cue to leave," Wyatt said when he heard the heavy footsteps of Mr.Wells getting closer and closer, "I'll see you tomorrow night Addy." He gave her a soft kiss on the cheek and in a blink of an eye was gone.  Addison sat down on her bed and closed her eyes drifting off while dreaming of a certain brown-eyed boy.

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