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I sighed as me and my classmates trudged onto the track field. It was mile day. No matter how many years of cheerleading I did, I could never seem to be fit enough to get under 10 minutes while running the mile. Several kids had thrown up after running it, and I did not want to start  my week off by vomiting in front of everyone after barely running the mile on time. 

"Hey, Addison!" Zed exclaimed. I turned around and grinned at my boyfriend. He already looked ready to run. 

"Coach is hyped for the mile. He says that there will be a competition after for whoever wants to participate."

"Not me!" I said shaking her head. 

"Everyone gather around!" Coach yelled. Everyone gathered at the starting point of the mile run. I could feel my stomach churning. Bucky raised his hand. 

"Coach," he said, "I have asthma and a doctor's note, so I can't participate in the mile." The coach snatched the doctor's note from Bucky and read over it frowning.

"Fine." He said disappointed. He then blew his whistle.

"Alright!" he yelled, "Get ready to run!" I began to stretch and shot Bree a nervous glance. She gave me a weak smile. I spotted Zed chatting with a few of the more athletic guys. Wyatt was amongst them. He caught my eye and flashed me a grin. I gave him a strained smile back. 

"Get ready, get set..." coach blew the whistle and we set off. I could feel people pass by me as their shoes thundered against the pavement. By the time I was halfway done, some of them were already finished. And they weren't even out of breath. As I finally finished, coach gave me a smile and said, 


I collapsed onto the ground coughing and gasping for breath. My face was burning and I could feel my entire body vibrating. I looked like an absolute mess. I looked up. Everyone else was chatting like it was just another day.

"Alright," Coach yelled clapping his hands together, "Who's up for a challenge?" All the athletic kids stood up. I didn't. I was too worn out.

"Whoever can run a second mile the quickest get's to take a break for the rest of the period while everyone else fun runs." A groan escaped my lips. Fun running was when you literally just ran around the track over and over for FUN. I could see my other classmates not look too happy. Coach lined all the people up for the challenge up. It was Zed, Lacey, 2 football players, Bonzo, Wynter, and Wyatt. Coach blew the whistle and they all began to run. Over time they all dropped out. First, it was one of the football players, then Lacey, then the other football player, then Bonzo, then Wynter. It was just Zed and Wyatt. Zed had longer legs and he had been running because of football his entire life, but Wyatt was practically born running. Wyatt took the lead the entire time. It was pretty clear that Zed was extremely frustrated. Wyatt crossed the line only a few seconds before Zed did. Zed collapsed onto the ground gasping for air. Wyatt was sweating, but he didn't seem very worn out. He just grinned at the coach.

"Wyatt!" the coach said practically tripping over himself to get to him, "How would you like to be on the football team?"This seemed to grab Zed's attention as he sat right up.

"An incredible linebacker." coach continued, "You have incredible speed, no one is going to be able to catch you on the field! With you on the team, we could win every single game!"

"I'm not sure..." Wyatt said. 

"You'd be amazing!" One football player chimed in. 

"WIth your speed and Zed's strength, we'll be undefeatable." another agreed. 

"I guess." Wyatt agreed. Coach whipped out a jersey with 'Lynkensen' printed on it and shoved it into his arms.

"Welcome to the team son!" Coach exclaimed pumping Wyatt's arm up and down, "And due to your incredible skill, you will be joining Zed to co-captain the team!"

"What?" Zed demanded. Everyone ignored him.

"Alright everyone else!" Coach yelled, "Fun run time!" I sighed and got ready to run while Zed headed over to Coach. Wyatt came over to me and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Congrats on becoming captain," I said.

"Thanks. You did well in the mile," he said. I snorted.

"Uh-huh..." I sighed. "I wish I didn't have to do the fun run." Wyatt considered for a moment.

"What are the rules?" He asked.

"You need to make it around the track field at least once every 5 minutes," I said shooting an annoyed look at Coach who was arguing with Zed.

"Alright everyone, get ready, get set..."

"Climb on," Wyatt said nodding me onto his back.

"Oh no! I couldn't-"

"I got nothing better to do." Wyatt said flashing me a fang-filled smile, "Don't worry about me."

"You sure?" I asked as I went around him and gently put my hands on his shoulder. He holstered me onto his back. My legs were wrapped around him and his hands were on my thighs. I put my arms around his neck and felt his warmth. I could his solid back muscles through his shirt and I hardly heard Coach's whistle blow. Wyatt began to run and I cloud feel the cold air whistled past us. I laughed and held on tight. Zed was right next to Wyatt as he tried to run past us. Wyatt clutched me closer, and with a burst of speed, we gained the lead. I squealed and held on as tight as I could.


Based on a true gym experience of yours truly. There was no boy drama, but I couldn't run the mile under 10 minutes in gym class until this year. Also, at least one kid throws up after running the mile. Also, my best friend has asthma but unfortunately, she was never excused from running the mile. I absolutely despise the mile. 


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