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As I stepped off stage, Willa gave me a look from across the room. She was still dancing with Zed who seemed to be wanting to get to me. I gave her a grateful look before rushing out the door into the cold night. I sat down allowing the cold night air to cool down my burning eyes. I was proud of myself for not crying. I shouldn't be the one crying. I should be happy for my friend that she found a guy who loves her. Just the thought made hot tears resurface. Why couldn't I be happy with what I had? 

"Hey," Eliza said sitting down next to me, "What's happening?"

"Nothing," I said quickly.

"Are you still mad at Zed?" She asked.

"No," I admitted.

"Then why are you avoiding him?" I sat silently for a moment. Zed and Eliza were best friends. I couldn't tell her that I had fallen out of love with him just like that.

"I can't tell you," I admitted. She sighed and got up, "Well, come back when you feel better." I heard her walk away. Wyatt sat down replacing Eliza.

"Heavy song." He said gently, "Did Willa steal Zed or something?"

"No." I said, "I asked her to dance with him." He was silent.

"You can tell me." Wyatt said quietly, "I won't tell anyone." I laughed a little. The irony. I could tell practically anyone but him.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"Nothing," I admitted looking at the stary night sky, "How was your dance with Eliza?"

"Good," He said, "I think we have something."

"I'm happy for you guys." I almost said convincingly. Unfortunately, my voice cracked. I felt the tears spill out of my lashes.

"Tell me," Wyatt murmured, "What's wrong?"

"I'm a horrible person." I  whispered, "I'm not in love with Zed anymore, and I'm not happy for Eliza. You would think that after everything we've been through together I would let her be happy with such a great guy..." I wiped my eyes furiously.

"So why aren't you happy with us being together?" Wyatt asked.

"Because I love you." I whimpered, "I shouldn't but I am, and I'm a horrible person-" I was cut off when Wyatt soft warm lips crashed into mine. The kiss tasted like faint smoke and pepper. When we broke off, I couldn't recognize the look on Wyatt's face.

"I thought you fell out of love with me..." I whispered.

"I didn't fall I out of love. I hid it. " Wyatt admitted, "And I don't want you to do that, because it hurts like-" I cut him off with a kiss. A soft melody came from inside the school as we both decided we weren't going to hide our feelings anymore.


Sorry for the short chapter. I honestly want Eliza to be alone(not in a negative way)because I feel like that would be fitting for her character. Also, stan Waddison the only ship that matters.

Call to the Wild///Waddison fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon