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"Hey, blondie, eat!" Willa yelled at me across the campfire through a mouthful of burnt marshmallows. The werewolves didn't seem to understand that a s'more was supposed to be made of a toasted marshmallow, not a burnt one. I looked at Wynter who was sticking her stick into the fire and then letting her marshmallow burst into flames before blowing it out. She then laid the black marshmallow onto her chocolate and graham cracker and ate it. I looked over at Wyatt who was practically attacking his s'mores. His hands and hair was a sticky mess. 

"Cute." I thought, "What? No. Not cute." I stared at my marshmallow. I put it close to the fire and let it slowly toast over the fire.

"Hey blonde, we don't have all day!" Willa snarled. I ignored her and toasted my marshmallows slowly over the fire before laying them on chocolates and marshmallows. I handed one silently to Willa Wynter and Wyatt. Wynter's eyes widened with one bite.

"Holy Howl!" She yelled with her mouthful, "This is the best s' more I've ever had! Wyatt nodded in agreement, and so did Willa grudgingly. 

"Thanks," I said smiling. Wyatt gave me a smile, and I laughed when I saw his hair was covered with some sticky marshmallows. He tried to get it out but failed. He grinned and got up.

"I'm washing my hair in the creek." With that, he disappeared. When I turned back Willa was giving me a strange look. 

"I don't think I've ever seen Wyatt in love," Willa said breaking the silence.

"Oh?" I asked. This seemed like a pretty random topic. 

"My keen werewolf senses can hear his heart beating faster and his blood pumping quicker." Wynter agreed.

"That's cool," I said confused. 

"I hope the girl knows that if she ever breaks his heart, I will tear her and her family apart," Willa said not meeting my eyes.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Someone you know." Willa said studying her claw, "But she better treat my younger brother right. Though she seems to have a knack for wandering into where she isn't wanted-"

"But we went looking for Addison," Wynter said confused. Willa whipped around to look at her.

"Oh." Wynter said realizing what was happening, "Sorry."

"Me?" I asked, "He doesn't like me."

"As much as I wish that were true, it's not." Willa said bitterly, "He's got it for you. The second he met you he fell." 

"I'm dating Zed," I said quietly, "I love Zed." I felt bad for Wyatt, but I was Zed. Zed was mine.

"You love Zed," Willa said, "But you're not in love with him."

"There's no difference," I said dumbly. Willa gave me a look.

"The difference between "love" and "in love" is the same difference between 'for a while' and 'forever'."I didn't say anything. Suddenly I heard a rustle behind us. Wyatt appeared a second later with wet hair.

"What did I miss?" he asked curiously.

"Not much," Willa said casually. Wyatt sat down next to me and gave me a questioning look. I smiled at the werewolf boy who was in love with me. The 4 of us all stared at the embers floating into the dark sky dotted with stars as the boy werewolf's heart sped up. As the embers continued their journey up to the sky and beyond, the girl's heart sped up to match the pace of the werewolf's.

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